I think what davin is saying is that because guys are forced to contribute to this babies life, it seems unfair that all decisions are made by the woman.... considering that women usually don't have abortions for biological reasons.
Yes I believe he made amino acids from non-organic material and this experiment has been replicated many times... Critics usually point out the requirement for that sort of atmosphere, however to back this up the theory about the atmosphere comes from a completely separate area of science... all...
By the way it's quite interesting that it's actually those with a belief in god that seem to be materialist and corrupt - I mean generally the people whom are screwing everyone over believe in a God.
Are marriages more stable than defacto relationships? Perhaps the symbolic action of a wedding etc makes people feel more connected to their spouse than they may otherwise feel.
Re: Knocking off to Ruse
Then why don't these schools with 'awesum teamwork' form a strong accademic team to snap ruse in the hsc? study together and work your arses off! come on you're a team :rolleyes:
Well they fabricated the evidenced, it fooled me sufficiently... I mean I always acknowledged that one of the motives for the war was control of oil but I truely did believe Sadam had WMD's.
You would love it if your whacky views could get equal credence out there in society and in this thread... we should treat all beliefs as equal right?
Sorry but that thinking has lead us to the situation we have in america today.
I agree with them, I think the way we often teach these days is...
Um yah well attacking Iraq didn't really prove that one too well... not only is the most advanced army being snapped by a bunch of geurillas the connection between iraq and 9/11 is dubious at best.
I have to somewhat agree with davin in that the price increases due to katrina seemed to be artificial and not really a result of loss of US production (I could be wrong however).
- Iraq has the 2nd largest known supplies in the world.
- Saddam was a guy that everyone hated already.
- It was...