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  1. fuckfoot

    Saving it to the last

    and i like how you articulated the last-minute-dash as "saving it", as though it was some sort of tactic in a race... or our virginity. meh, as stated previously, i AM still recovering
  2. fuckfoot

    Saving it to the last

    yeah, it was expected. but i didn't leave anything too hard until last, and i had all my ideas in my head that said, i did only get three hours of sleep still, good fun usually when i've had a little sleep and a lot of caffeinne i act really funny at school, this time i just got whacked...
  3. fuckfoot

    We Did It!!!

    i feel exhausted. i'm afraid to read my own work, because i know i will hate it. at the same time i'm really curious... oh i'm muddled it would be an anti-climax if i had cared beforehand. i suppose it's just an anti-anti. although i am concerned. my eng xx teacher was sick, i handed mine to...
  4. fuckfoot

    Final word counts?

    smartarse :p
  5. fuckfoot

    Final word counts?

    that, i must agree is muchmuchmuch worse i am being idle. somehow, listening to my neighbours chant indecipherable tunes is so much more captivating than forcing this bull. i expect to pull a close-to-all-nighter tonight. a joyous occasion, one that i expect will haunt me for some time...
  6. fuckfoot

    How big (or small) is your journal?

    my journal is maybe a touch over half-filled, an a4 spiral thing about 80% of it is really irrelevant stuff. i'll offer a few quotes: "i hate human evolution" "nosism: the practice of referring to oneself as 'we'" "i really must avoid death" and one of my latest entries: "my reflection...
  7. fuckfoot

    reflection statement hardships

    mine has the odd big word here and there (doesn't it seem strange that the only way i can describe a 'big word' is by calling it a 'big word'? evidently, THIS is going well) AND i think i sound up myself ahhhh, it's too hard to say "look, my work has a shitload of integrity" wihtout implying...
  8. fuckfoot

    binding the MW

    i stuck pictures in all the time under the pretence of 'inspiration' often it would be a picture of someone sleeping and how it tugged at my heartstrings! alas! anyway i am, how do i say? FUCKED OVER for the major work all my procrastination has only amounted to more procrastination...
  9. fuckfoot

    Anyone just given up on Ancient?

    ah, i better put my hand up then... jesus, these topics are JUST TOO BIG
  10. fuckfoot

    Whats ur short story about?

    we should get together and write a short story someone could write the opening paragraph and we'd continue on from each other it would be The Ultimate Short Story.. the best thing written in the history of ext two imagine, we'd have cheese and nazi's... so post-modern bah, in terms of...
  11. fuckfoot

    Whats ur short story about?

    she'd draw a family tree and realise she was wrong? voila! a brilliant, gripping short story... wow i wish i had thought of that
  12. fuckfoot

    Stupid stuff you've written?

    i've actually had extension lessons where i am the only one who has bothered turning up that includes the teacher (although there is only one other person in the class.... but the teacher damnit!) in reply to the actual thread... i haven't done any writing exercises, but most of my stuff...
  13. fuckfoot

    Slightly behind?

    i could use that too, the next time i'm on here i want yelling and violence that is of course if i have not finished my draft bah, today is the day sitting down for a few hours and writing my fucking heart out humbug.
  14. fuckfoot

    Slightly behind?

    i'm screwed, thousands of words to write i'm just waiting for my literary epiphany it will come ... any day now
  15. fuckfoot


  16. fuckfoot

    colour stimulates brain

    i've found a much less painful but equally effective technique is to swear continously at my mounting pile of notes
  17. fuckfoot

    Opinions from Gothic Writers...or anyone interested ^^

    do locksmiths take oaths to use their powers for good and not evil? sorry, this just got me thinking.. can anyone be a locksmith these days?do they do personality tests on these people?
  18. fuckfoot

    haven't made a real start? join the club

    i've done 900 words, although itappears that my teacher didn't know it was for my major work this really brings me down to zero. 0. nought. nothing. and i think i hate my idea, i'm not even sure what my idea is, i try not to say it because i hate the sound of it, god i want to smack myself...
  19. fuckfoot

    1/2 Yearly Troubles???

    my bio exam is fifteen days away, woohoo for chromosomes! woo i say! but i've been forwarned that there is a real this-will-require-many-brain-cells kinda quesiton, so i will most definitely report back on that... hmmmph, i hate inevitable doom
  20. fuckfoot

    DNA models..

    i think we did this one in class a frotnight ago, i *think* you're supposed to go right down to polypeptide production so i imagine that's what's getting marks... i dunno, i'm pretty sure it's a d/p on the syllabus so it'd be good to look at exactly what they want... rather than hauling in a...