Search results

  1. shaon0


    Prove that the roots of the equation kx(x+4)=(x-1)(x+2) are always real. I cannot prove this and need help. All help will be appreciated :) I keep getting unreal values in this.
  2. shaon0

    Trigonometric Equations needed

    Hi, Could someone post hard Trigonometric Equations so that i can test my knowledge.
  3. shaon0

    Mechatronics Engineering (Space)

    Is the course very hard in terms of mathematical ability required?
  4. shaon0

    Solutions for Physics Contexts 1

    Is it possible to get the solutions of Physics contexts 1? Can someone please post the solutions or a link from where i can get them from.
  5. shaon0

    What course are you aiming for in uni?

    This thread is quite self-explanatory....What course are you aiming to do in uni?
  6. shaon0

    How do you study for exams?

    Since half-yearlies are starting....I was wondering. How do you study? What are your study habits?
  7. shaon0

    Tutor Needed

    Tutor needed in Norwest Sydney area. 3unit Maths, Advanced Enngllish, Physics, Chemistry. Should have a UAI above 99.5.
  8. shaon0

    USYD scholarships

    Does anyone know of any scholapships which are available through University of Sydney for Aeromech Engineering?