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  1. Official

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    I reckon this question was a bit biased to those who have read the comics before. I've read the comics before and in all the past ones the tiger always has a supportive role towards the boy. Hence, using that fact and also the fact that the tiger was helping the boy in that particular comic...
  2. Official


    Didn't bring one in because a pen has the exact same function as a highliter.
  3. Official

    Geography Research Action Plan Question?

    Too bad you do not understand the aligning process. Cem and many other people have mentioned this many times and it is a pretty good knowledge to have. The Boardofstudies wants to show that they are producing smart kids, so students who get a fail mark <50% will get pushed up to around the band...
  4. Official

    Haha, I was in the same boat as you but the other way around. I did History first and thought I...

    Haha, I was in the same boat as you but the other way around. I did History first and thought I did ok in that but Geo... Man, biggest fail of my life, especially the Research Action Plan which i most likely got 0/5.
  5. Official

    Can we get our SC exam back?

    Apparently you can get it back under a Freedom of Information Act, which means you have to pay $30 along with some other shit stating that you want your raw marks + your papers back. Even then, they may reject the offer. It's a long and winding process.
  6. Official

    Oh, i see. How did you go in the His/Geo Civics and Citizenship Tests?

    Oh, i see. How did you go in the His/Geo Civics and Citizenship Tests?
  7. Official


    I was wishing for Coastal Management or one of our links to come out. But meh, Human Rights was good enough.
  8. Official

    Overall thought on the SC exams?

    Lets just say, I was confident about everything when I came out, but after discussion, I feel as though a Band 2 is coming my way.
  9. Official

    Yehh, agreed. Did you get 1^3 + 2^3 +... +(n-1)^3 + n^3 for the very last one? I got that, but...

    Yehh, agreed. Did you get 1^3 + 2^3 +... +(n-1)^3 + n^3 for the very last one? I got that, but I'm not sure if it's correct or not.
  10. Official

    I have to say quite well, and you?

    I have to say quite well, and you?
  11. Official

    Geography Research Action Plan Question?

    Yay, join the crew of 0/5s because I'm one of them.
  12. Official

    Overall thought on the SC exams?

    I was crying my arse off cuz that section I think I got 0/5 in. (In hindsight, maybe one because I got Testes lol.) I'm confident all band 6 except for Sci which I'm expecting Mid-High band 5.
  13. Official

    Possibility of Loss of an Answer Sheet/Booklet?

    Just something that came across my mind, considering there are 80000 + papers to mark.
  14. Official

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Same boat as you.
  15. Official

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    qtf. the answer was 50
  16. Official

    Was your studying pointless?

    Study was so pointless.
  17. Official

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Yep, it is 45degrees
  18. Official

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    What did everyone write on the question about the Research action plan and the dam?