urgh i have an english creative writing exam tomorrow... im so done with my school to be honest because our half yearlies were pretty much section I and II of HSCs area of study in an hour and i fucked it up so bad. I'm pleading my parents to move me to a different school because the pressure of...
In the long run, yes :) but it doesn't hurt to look half decent and have some charm. it beats the constant 'lad' gear (adidas hat, tank top/henleys shirt and vibrant shorts)
As long are you're satisfied with your decisions, thats all that matters. But how did they let you drop anyhow?! It's...
that cost though... and would there be a purpose in attending school if tutor pretty much teaches me the concept... like really. I have tried every possible thing with my parents, they are incredibly resilient and pretty much wants me to keep attending my current school like omgbye.
yeah of course not! My tutors probably add up to around ~1000 dollars a term... My parents rage it when I ask them if i can move schools, OH THE THOUGHT OF MOVING TO A SCHOOL IN THE SAME SUBURB IS ATROCIOUS TO GET A BETTER EDUCATION.
Does anyone else feel like their tutor is carrying them in preliminaries and most likely carrying them in school? Because i do... I spend like 8 hours a week in tutor and if i miss a week in tutor, in class im like whaaaaaaat?
Yeah... because i'd totally bang a girl for her 'personality'. Girls work so hard on their looks to pick up guys and make guys notice them though! Just doing my part to balance out and make equilibrium. #datequalitytho.
I dont know about water, but notes are used as a reference as the whole purpose of notes are to solidify your knowledge on a concept. Writing notes only puts a theory in terms that you understand and how you would word it. All in all, making notes isn't studying, you're not memorising anything...
Well obviously. But i'm talking about if OP is in 5.3 but failed one test, then they shouldnt judge him just based on that test. A student should be judge by their overall capability.
You should be able to undertake any subject you wish for your HSCs. If not, complain or even take it to the boardofstudies - as the school isnt giving you equal opportunity with the rest of your cohort
You can appeal to your school for not allowing you to take english advance. It's fair because in not allowing you to do english advanced and only having a chosen few, your school isnt giving equal change towards every student. But if you dont, you should DEFINITELY change schools, its better now...