SO MANY FEELS IN THIS POST. I lost 5 marks in multiple choice because i doubt myself and changed the answer.... gg. PLEASE HSC GODS DONT LET THIS HAPPEN IN MY HSCS..
Walk by. See a girl sitting on a bench. Be like 'you're pretty cute, i know i will regret it if i dont approach you'. Grab her number. Walk off like a boss.
Its just about how many band 5 and band 6s you hit. They change every due to the number of people doing the course every year, so dont stress too much because if you have the motivation, you'll definitely improve.
1. If you are honestly enjoying extension english, coping well and getting results. I'd suggest you stick with the subjects because you'll most likely improve exponentially, based on the statistics of Board Of Studies, there are a large number of NSW every year which receives E3-E4 bands.
2. If...
Theres an online past paper for economics competition?! Where can i practice the economics competition? How do you even prepare for such a thing?! Since i have mine tomorrow...