I think my subjects were influenced by my cohort more than anything. The burning feeling that i HAD to be top, and settling for second best wasnt an option. However in saying so, I think my parents would've been fine if i did general maths and standard english. The only thing that would've...
Liongirl, your hscs has one purpose and ONE purpose only - to get you into your desired university course, (maybe get you a tutoring job somewhere but sidetracking..). LISTEN TO ME - YOU ARE NOT USELESS. Spectating on your subjects, it is more than likely that they are challenging. So while you...
Well they are quite competitive, 5 marks made 20 ranks difference. I am doing poorly but I want to improve a lot! I am willing to put in the effort but my teacher is quite menial, he comes late to class 10 minutes every day, he over complicates theory and he assigns us tons of homework - some of...
yeah, im trying this tutorial place at Cabramatta.
I actually don't mind extension mathematics. The teacher just explains it in a way that it's so complex than it really is..
wait drop or don't drop? Yeah, I've realised. Omg teach me... I'm missing economics. Since this signature was from...
I got my maths extension results back and they were not good... i came almost bottom in extension and im scared they might drop me. The problem is if i drop extension, i'll be down to 10 units, so i wouldnt have a safety net if i were to mess up on my other units. I can't pick up history which...
i enjoy chemistry the most, despise mathematics and neutral about my other subjects. If i dont become a chemistry tutor after hscs, someone shoot me :)
good luck to everyone having their half yearlies tomorrow!
i know this is talking from the perspective of someone who is over his but DONT STRESS OUT TOO MUCH. Its preliminaries people! This month, you will find out your weaknesses, faults and study techniques (hope its not the technique of...
HAHAHA year 7 and 8 is always easy. Year 11 should be the determiner for whether you should do extension 2 mathematics. I think the thing you should concern yourself with is getting into extension 1 mathematics.
I especially loved how they used terms like 'erect' because it flows so well... and lines like 'just beat it... on the go!' that just makes you want it more haha
^^ well if you can make it less oblivious to everyone around you, I say go for gold and try and masturbate! kidding.. but no... i'm sure it isn't illegal but its just unethical..
my school being the prick it is, set most of our exams before break so the only exams I have left are economics and English. good luck and don't stress guys (its only prelims lol)
Hahaha not even! I sometimes wonder at night if im actually retarded. I attend Canley vale hs
yeah, if anything is emphasised in preliminary chemistry its the concept of MOLES, as its probably the only important concept in year 12
yes! YES and YES! a lot of people don't understand the concept...
Its e-z, but then again maybe its just because my schools only good at setting hard mathematics exams haha! waters honestly so much more easier than metals. I loved moles! it made you sound smart with minimal amounts of work or theory.