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  1. Cardea

    2007 Science SC question help

    Sorry about not being able to help, but I wanted to throw a question out there too. Could someone please post up answers or just a few points on the very last question of the exam? i.e. the satellite one, all sections of q 65. It would be very much appreciated!
  2. Cardea

    Anyone finding it hard to study for SC?

    I'm feeling kind of nervous actually. This is the last day of studying before tomorrow, so... I woke up kind of jittery, I guess. I still want to do very well. Don't worry iRuler, I'm pretty sure you have enough natural intelligence to get through this, even if you haven't studied :D
  3. Cardea

    School certificate in two weeks!

    *squeak* 2 days! Is everyone ready? I still need to brush up on some parts.. tonight is dedicated to history, tomorrow science and just a bit of revision for english. Monday will be more geo than history.. I'm kind of nervous, but I'm trying to say mentally prepared for this - i.e. not stressing...
  4. Cardea

    Common Mistakes in Exams

    Urgh! That is exactly what I do. I read the question and go, "Oh yeah, that's what I have to do" but that's not what the question asks for. Thank god I actually realise my mistake most times... I think that's the biggest problem for me - actually answering the question asked. Goodness knows I...
  5. Cardea

    Common Mistakes in Exams

    So I was wondering generally what kinds of mistakes, silly or otherwise, everyone makes in exams just so that come SC, we'll be at least aware of some of them :D I'll start.. Well, generally for history, sometimes I tend not to answer the question properly. I always include heaps of irrelvant...
  6. Cardea


    Is this for population trends or urban growth and decline? If it's to do with population trends and challenges for the future [that area of study], you should probably include an explanation of population movement - e.g. people seeking sea change, decline in the facilities/services available...
  7. Cardea

    Geography SC

    I'm in a similar position to you! My teacher is just plain lazy. To be fair, we have learnt a few things, but all he really does is shove textbooks in our faces and goes back to sit with his newspaper. Honestly, some teachers really shouldn't be teaching. And also, studentcheese, thanks for...
  8. Cardea

    Are u ready for it..

    Oh man, I actually thought I was half ready for it, but now I'm not so sure... I need to revise more. And actually get it all drilled in, too.. History: problems faced by women/migrants in their struggle for rights and freedoms?
  9. Cardea

    Studying for the SC

    Did you re-write them from memory? That's pretty good, it seems very meticulous, I guess. For science, geo and history I: - Write notes - Read them - Do a few questions from past papers at a time - Re-write important features of notes And for english and maths, the same as you, just past...
  10. Cardea

    Studying for the SC

    Just wondering, what other studying techniques do you guys use? What do you find works and what doesn't?
  11. Cardea

    Studying for the SC

    I've been studying. Started on the monday this week and every night I've been doing a few questions from past papers. I've mostly done questions for History and Geography, and while I do fine in them, I'm still worried. Only because of all the content I think I'm going to forget, and the fact...
  12. Cardea

    SC Trial results

    I suppose I'll just list my marks too, then =] English - 82/90 (thought I did the worst in english but voila! 1st) Maths - 89/100 (very happy, with no study at all! 2nd) Science - 81/100 (very disappointed with this... came 5th) History - 46/50 (disappointed again - think it was 2nd?) Geography...
  13. Cardea

    For all 2010 kids doing their School Certificate

    Past papers should be okay. If you're finding that you have trouble with certain areas, just make sure to go over them properly. Other than that, you should be fine. That's just basically what I'm doing, it shows your weaknesses so that you can work on them. Btw, lol at your siggy. I find that...
  14. Cardea

    School certificate in two weeks!

    Just a little over one week out now guys! I also can't wait until this is over. It's become really tedious. Really can't wait for new subjects next year, but the only thing I'm glad about still being in year 10 is the bludging and workload - or lack thereof.
  15. Cardea

    Studying For School Certificate

    Bleh, motivation comes and goes for me. Especially at the most inappropriate times - i.e. at 11.30 at night when I'm about to get ready for bed. I always feel determined, then.. yeah. The most annoying thing is that the next two weeks of stress (for me, anyway, because I naturally freak out...
  16. Cardea

    Studying For School Certificate

    Just curious (most probably because I'm getting worried over my inability to stick to study plans - I just can't be bothered anymore! How many times have we had to go over the same things over and over again? ...and I always manage to forget the bulk of them straight after half yearlys and...
  17. Cardea

    Multiple choice

    That is exactly like me. I lay in bed just going over every single mistake and cringing mentally from them. I'm a stress freak around exam time. It's really difficult to change though.. and I know I should change, but it's tough sometimes.
  18. Cardea

    Multiple choice

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I try to always keep that in mind - to choose the best answer - but there's always the second-guessing and doubts. Can't seem to get rid of them!!
  19. Cardea

    Multiple choice

    I guess it's sort of like that. But out of the two possibly correct answers, there will be just one that's the tiniest fraction more correct than the other. The thing to remember with MC questions is that though two may be correct, it's the one that best answers the question you have to choose...
  20. Cardea

    What are you currently Reading?

    Finnikin of the Rock, Melina Marchetta - it's her newest book on the shelves and it's fantasy :uhhuh: