I'll definitely miss:
- My english, science, maths and elective history teachers - they were awesome people. I feel kind of sad at the thought of never having them again.. plus, my english teacher is probably one of the funniest and wise people I've met.
- Maths lessons. We too learnt at...
YES! Totally agree with you there!
- geography and history teachers (they didn't give a rat's arse about us)
- the course!! It's so boring!
- the physics component of the science course
I'm drawing a blank here too..
I'd feel rather uncomfortable with my teachers knowing my marks too, especially if they're ones I'm not really happy with.. I'd rather tell them myself and in case they are disappointing, there's the option of going "Oh, damn. I forgot." :uhhuh:
Lol, the supervisors at our school told us that exam time was not time for catching up with sleep. I often only had about 10 minutes to spare in each exam, so I went over the parts that I wasn't really comfortable with. Most of it was from section 2.. I couldn't be bothered checking multi, once...
That's how I interpreted it! I didn't see it the other way.. so I circled both statements are true. I do indeed think it's wrong now. One mark down the drain..
That must seriously be a joke. I'm not saying that I want my papers back, although that's certainly something I'm curious about too, but to actually have to fill a form and pay a fee for our papers back?? That's just.. plain silly.
And I do see your point, akrinis. We may as well have not...
I've personally always hated stimulus material. I think it's fairer to test on content, but even so, I spent all that time stressing and trying to study all the crap that wasn't even in the exam either!
I suppose on the other hand it did make thinks easier.. but then again, you still had to use...
I didn't like this section - I thought it was the most ambiguous out of the whole multiple choice. I orginally chose the glasses one, until a last minute revelation hit me and I noticed it said SUNglasses, so I quickly changed my answer to D :uhhuh:
I think I stuffed up a few questions in that...
I'm pretty sure it was the Liberal-Country Coalition, because Menzies was Liberal and he was the one who introduced the bill.
EDIT: Hmm... you've got a point there speedofsound..
Me too, I actually felt alright until I realised the silly things I'd done. I made quite a few mistakes too.. like for science, the line of best fit question, I totally ignored that part because I thought it might be too risky. Instead I just joined all the dots together.
I missed the first left box and then wrote from left to right for english, but when I walked out of the exam room I noticed that most people had started with the very first left box, so I started doing that for the rest of the exams. I don't think it matters much, so long as the numbers are in...
Same here!! For both things! I felt pretty crappy after finishing yesterday, so I'm expecting the worst now.. So many regrets about the things I could've done instead..
And the overthinking totally screwed my multiple choice. Honestly, I overanalyse the most simplest things. Grrrr.
And on the other hand...
Statement 2 was something along the lines of everyone in the source was against the war. If that was false, and you put "it showed a range of views about the war" for the question after that, then Statement would be true, and Statement 2 false.
I'm screwed for that...
Land and water management. I did it for half yearlies, trials and now so it was alright.. although there was this one sentence that was obviously bs, so I hope they just skim over papers.
It comes separately as an external mark, or it does for us anyway. We get our reports in the same folder, but they're separate from the SC results and have no bearing on the bands we get.