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  1. Cardea

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Favourite books.. hmm: - Saving Francesca and On the Jellicoe Road, Melina Marchetta - Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian (still a favourite from childhood) - Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer - HP series - Anything by Jaclyn Moriarty - Little Women, Louisa May Alcott - Emma and Pride and...
  2. Cardea

    The Literary Acquisition Thread

    Wow! That's really great!! I would buy more of my books from op shops and library sales, but I'm usually too picky about the conditions of the books to go through with it. Hmm, I plan on hoarding more classics in the future. That's basically what I've been trying to do for some time now.. but...
  3. Cardea

    Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

    Out of Dan Brown's books, I thought Digital Fortress was one of his better works. Angels and Demons I thought was more entertaining than Da Vinci Code, while Deception Point was just disappointing. It was dull and basically, crap.
  4. Cardea

    Tips for good exam creative writing

    Thanks for all the tips! They're a great help :D
  5. Cardea

    Multiple choice

    That is exactly me in an exam room. I lose the most marks in my multiple choice sections. I mean, I'm pretty good at english if you give me written responses and that, but MC? I can't do them for the life of me. Then I usually choose the wrong one out of the two most correct answers *facepalm*
  6. Cardea

    English trials.

    I know! We had ten minutes reading time and I didn't even finsih reading the thing! I think I abandoned reading it about half way through.. I just followed the lines given by each question :D We didn't actually have a half yearly paper for english. Just 5 assessment tasks throughout the year.
  7. Cardea

    English trials.

    Some do write their own, but a lot use the independently created exams. I was so surprised when I learnt that a few of my friends from other schools had some of the same trials as us. My english trial didn't have the Golden Compass though.. the first article was a short story (though pretty...
  8. Cardea

    holidays.. between term 3 and 4

    Lucky duck! I wouldn't mind tutoring myself actually.. not just for the money though. Year 3 is pretty young, but I started tuition when I was in Year 4 and am still going with it. I think it helps with discipline for some.. just learning to manage time and balance school and tuition work more...
  9. Cardea

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Wow - thanks for all the info, cem. That's kind of a relief to know that our marks get "scaled" up higher.. but it's a shame we don't actually get to know our raw marks to see how well we actually did. All the same, a relief.
  10. Cardea

    SC Trial results

    Thanks =)
  11. Cardea

    SC Trial results

    We haven't got all of ours yet. Our trials are basically our yearlies, with the exception of maths. I actually thought I did okay with the trials, but it turns out I didn't do as well as I'd hoped to do. Maths: 89/100 Science: 81/100 << absolute shock - my only consolation is that the top...
  12. Cardea

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    Thanks for all the hints! That was really helpful. I know a lot of seniors who always say that SC is a waste of time and we shouldn't worry about it, but honestly, I think that from our perspective, it's a quite a deal. It's the biggest thing we've done so far, and I still think it warrants some...