24 hours of the finest Woolworths fun to look forward to this weekend...with a 21st in the middle. If I can move come Sunday night, I will be very surprised...
Did anyone not get all their pay this week? I heard murmurings around my store that payroll for Friday to Sunday would be held over till next (ie. this) week (I'm in Adelaide so we were closed Friday, Sunday and Monday), and that would make sense given I only got paid for probably my Monday...
Hah, that's like me and my STM. He made an exceptionally inappropriate yet joking remark about something to do with my personal life out of jest last night (babikakez, you know the story), and so I proceeded to throw easter eggs at him while he ran away with his hands over his head laughing. I'd...
I feel like such a whore. I've got 11 hours paid on Saturday across four departments lined up. I suspect the office cashier is going to kill me cos he can only put three into people planner, but oh well :)
No, trust me, you can still laugh at me. I'll PM you a cracking story which isn't exactly safe for this forum and you can have a good chuckle at my misfortune.
What I find hilarious about my current SM is that 80%ish in a mystery shopper test is the end of the world, yet customer complaints are frequently laughed off with no further action taken beyond assuring the customer it won't happen again and apologising for it.
Seriously, some of the...
What I'm sick of is how I now use the term "action" as a verb in conversation outside work. Every time I do it subconsciously, it makes me want to punch myself square in the face.
Probably because I understand the pain that management suffer in terms of organisation and wages, having had to deal with it for reliefs in a number of departments in the past.
The two departments this will probably affect the most, in the store I work in at least, is nightfill and deli...
I'm voting 'no' to the new EBA as well, for three reasons: four hours for a tea break is ridiculous and unmanageable, I hate bargaining agreements in general, and the failure to include a clause which provides flexibility with penalty rates where the employee agrees to waive certain penalty...
Heh, first week back at uni and I cranked out 48.25 hours paid in five days, probably about 52 or 53 total. Brilliant...will be interesting to see how the overtime goes down :s
That's the standard electrocution incident procedure. It gets elevated like a bitch. We had one at our store for a simple zap with a fluorescent light globe, which got blown totally out of proportion because it was classified as an electrocution incident.