Hehe, gotta love a good work gossip story. They definitely seem to be the main oil to keep the cogs moving along at my store, and unfortunately I seem to feature in about a third of them :\
Especially those gorgeous bakehouse boys, yeah? ;) *runs away from antagonistic joke*
Oh, and trust me, us males think knowing the reciprocal is equally of the utmost importance!
Fuck...I hate weekends like that. 29.5 hours before breaks, that's pretty extreme. I've only done one of then recently - 0600-0000 and 0900-2300 (amusingly, I was meant to start at 8am on Sunday but slept through my alarm and had to call the SM and apologise that I'd be an hour late) - and went...
I voted no because it was a generally crap agreement. I can understand the breaks for people rostered as operators, but for everyone else breaks shouldn't be required for shifts shorter than 4 hours. They should have differentiated between different roles and different breaks.
Plus there was...
To the best of my knowledge, "payed" is archaic and hence pretty well fully-depreciated. It is, however, still a legitimate word; just rarely used, and there is no situations where it is any better than "paid".
It's not actually that dangerous to stand in the bailer, if you know what you're doing and how to emergency-stop it from inside the bailer...we do it all the time, especially nightfill, where delaying changing the bale by cramming another four or five rollcages into the existing bale is a great...
Wow, total opposite to my store. Take out our CSM, and every department manager is male. Plus, our SM, STM, SSM, SSO and salaried storeperson are all males also.
Strictly off the top of my head, they could be badly wrong:
Service 10 - Service Supervisor assistance needed
Service 20 - Customer Service assistance needed
Service 30 - Phone call (can sometimes be used as Service 31 = line one, Service 32 = line two, etc.)
Service 40 - Price check...
Probably. Was your SSO in on Monday?
Haha this is one of the best things about the occasional work farewell party/work gathering which excludes management when they happen - management get fairly annoyed because everyone asks for it off. I remember one particular SSA's farewell, I think...
I must say, I'm quite impressed by my work at the moment. I told my SSM that I'm going back from uni holidays starting at the start of this week, and somehow magically I ended up with 13 hours worked (+5 for Monday) this week and 15 hours next week. That means I'm working about four hours less...
I don't think we have any PPT or casuals on contracts...everyone's hours is flexed to the maximum. Mine can start on the roster at anywhere from 15ish to 30ish (or when I'm doing department manager or 2IC relief, 40), and finish on Sunday night anywhere from 20ish to 50ish. A bit of variety...
Or people "go home sick", yet don't actually go home. I've pulled that one on a few occasions. Provided you don't scan out, the office never know. Plus, I can't see me ever using my 200ish hours sick leave otherwise, so if it's the only way I can hit wages when running a department for a...
Because Perishables contains non-dairy lines; frozen fish, frozen vegetables, pasta and juice can hardly be considered "dairy". Grocery, while occasionally known as "longlife", is actually only one part of longlife; General Merchandise (eg. DVD's, other seasonal lines like manchester etc.) also...
Wow, nice, congrats. I didn't even realise this position existed - all my store systems training has come/will come from my SSM. Sounds like a pretty awesome job!
1) Scream loudly.
2) Check the alarm panel to see wtf is going on.
3) If it's something which appears real, scream loudly again.
4) Disregard PA style guidelines, tell duty manager there's something going on over the PA.
5) Find my staff, and yell for them to find the nearest...
I just wear plain black ones I bought from Target, cos with my namebadge it's sufficiently branded to be acceptable. It's been a long time (probably about a year and a half) since I've worked a shift without a vest...it's rather my trademark at work :)
Frowny face. 41.5 hours in the last three days. Four departments. Back down to work in 3ish hours to fix stuff as well. Man, I hate strip-and-seals by the cleaners getting in the way.
Bakery assistant was my formal job title for about a year, despite working about 15-20% of my hours actually in bakehouse ... now I think I'm formally employeed as an SSA or Storeperson, one of the two.