Well tonight was extremely eventful.
Got to work/started 5 minutes late due to a 20 minute late bus (not fucking happy jan). When I start, I discovor EVERYONE is in a FOUL mood, CSM/DM/SVR's/SM (completely snobbed me twice when I said hello, he literally ignored me).
The SDA rep comes in and carrys out a meeting, I go in to tearoom, then walk back out to grab some EBA documents at the service desk. I then get told to go back to work (self serve). I fucking miss out on the only meeting that I could attend. FUCKING PISSED OFF AT THAT.
Think I was in the most disgusting mood for the next hour. CSM was trying to cheer me up and be nice, but she was also pissed at everyone. lols.
The reason behind everyones shittyness was because we got a 'visit' today

, and apparently we didnt do to well.
By 7pm we had another group of woolies bigshots come in "manager of supermarkets", blah blah. As soon as they went, every manager in sight was gone (within 5 minutes) lol.
But this night was also good, because I was running the shots almost for 3/4 of the night. We had 3 people, operator/selfserve[me]/supervisor from 8pm in. Supervisor was always doign stuff/on break, operator was serving and I was basically doing all general stuff (ss/sco etc).
Then.. the supervisor came up with a great idea to trick the extremely gullible operator lol. We said "the managers have slammed us for not wearing hair nets for our new bakery". So the svr and me wore hair nets the whole night to prove a point in a joke lol. She so believed us, and we were making us BULLSHIT stuff along the line too, and the svr and myself were always so serious thats how it worked so well

. Like i'd say something stupid and the supervisor (in seriousness) would agree immensely.
So we got this operator to wear bakery hair nets whilst on register & throughout the night rofl.
I have never laughed SO MUCH in my entire woolworths journey of 5/6 months.
Made up for a SHIT afternoon.