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  1. Minari243

    Girraween HAST Exam

    Sorry I'm not really sure about all the scaling and stuff for subjects. But if you chose your prerequisite subjects for your course and got the required atar you should be able to get into the course.
  2. Minari243

    Girraween HAST Exam

    It was mostly logic based and not the topics you learn at school. Nope! no calculators
  3. Minari243

    Girraween HAST Exam

    Honestly I didn't feel confident about any of the exams after completing them, I really didn't expect to do that well in any of them. But I ended up doing extremely good in maths.
  4. Minari243

    Girraween HAST Exam

    I got band 10's in writing and numeracy, band 9's in reading and spelling, and band 8 in grammar
  5. Minari243

    Girraween HAST Exam

    I did have a few co-curricular activities such as volunteering, coding, and work experience. I think the most key thing was just that I got around top 2% in the maths exam, in addition to the co-curricular. My report was only slightly above average for most of my subjects.
  6. Minari243

    Girraween HAST Exam

    Hey! I got in for next year. I got basically all b's and a few a's, and one c. I really don't think they care about it though, atleast not as much as the exam. I got in just by doing extremely well in maths, but ehh in everything else.
  7. Minari243

    Can anyone give me feedback for my practice essay?

    Thank you for the advice!! I think i did well in the exam, I worded some things badly because of the time constraint but I think my general answer to the thesis question and my analysis was good. I’ll make sure to ask you for help if I need any :))
  8. Minari243

    Normanhurst Interview

    Nope, nothing yet
  9. Minari243

    Girraween high school results

    3 other people in my class also got straight in (selective) i think one or two other people also got in and they werent selective
  10. Minari243

    Girraween high school results

    Straight in
  11. Minari243

    Girraween high school results

    Also, I think you'll see your letter somewhere this week.
  12. Minari243

    Girraween high school results

    Hey! most of my friends received a letter of rejection or reserve on that date too! But I didn't. Today I got an acceptance letter so I'd expect you to get in :))
  13. Minari243

    Quotes and notes for Animal Farm

    hMmMm hELlo fElLoW pErSon
  14. Minari243

    Quotes and notes for Animal Farm

    Hello! I have an essay to do in an exam on Tuesday on Animal Farm. If anyone could send any important quotes or notes on the novel I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!
  15. Minari243

    Can anyone give me feedback for my practice essay?

    Hello! I have to write an essay in 45 mins on Animal farm on Tuesday. I wrote a practice essay (untimed) and I feel like its too long for me to write in 45 mins. I think I've done multiple things wrong but I'm not quite sure what. My introduction and conclusion are also quite short, but I don't...
  16. Minari243

    20th September Climate change strike

    Just wondering if anyone is planning to go tomorrow to protest about climate change or not go to school.
  17. Minari243

    Normanhurst Interview

    Ah, don't know exactly, but a lot of my friends are talking about it coming this week. A lot of them have connections to students in Girra so I'm assuming the Girra students asked the teachers and stuff for it and thats how they know.