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  1. Minari243

    Business Studies or Modern History

    What I've heard from teachers is that Business studies is one of the easiest HSIE subjects there is, but it really depends on your interests.
  2. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Splatt definitely rings a bell. Yeah I’ve realised some of the mainstreams are actually smarter than some selectives. Thats good to hear, is there any teachers for those subjects that might be a bit ehhh?
  3. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    I can usually work fine in loud conditions but not if someone is distracting me
  4. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Its generally quite loud at times until the teacher gets everyone’s attention. Although in maths its basically silent as everyone us just thinking. Keep in mind this is the selective class and i’ve heard the mainstream classes sound louder than 20 jets taking off. Thats part of the reason why...
  5. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Yeah i suppose it kind of prevents low self asteem and stuff like that. But yeah god damn thats just sad, I got a sound in my yr 9 yearly for maths but I was actually above avg.
  6. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Oh really? Welp thats new to me
  7. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Oh my lord. My school literally does not have ranks except for being first in assessments or something. Theres no percentiles and stuff so the mark range and the average is all we have to figure out where we are
  8. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Yeah there’s been some people in my school getting 99s. Thanks for the advice!
  9. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Sorry if I made it sound like im not appreciating my school enough, I want to purse a career in medicine so to be competitive I’m probably gonna need to self teach a lot and a new school would just help a lot
  10. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    That’s good to hear, Im a little worried since this is basically my last year to get in.
  11. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    I think i’ll still be fine if i remain in the school but I’ve seen the other schools and their facilities and teachers are honestly just heaven compared to my school
  12. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    It was about 90 in 2016 and it literally dipped to 170 something in 2018
  13. Minari243

    Will I be able to get into these schools?

    Im currently in a partially selective high school (Im in the selective stream) in year 10. But the selective stream is mixed with the mainstream in the senior years, so I would like to move schools. Also if i’m being honest this school is pretty trash, from spending too much budget on gardens to...