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  1. XShiv

    Did anyone else do the selective test at North Sydney Boys today??

    I think you took me the wronge way. I wasnt trying to imply anything negative towards the school seriously. I mean id love to be given admission there! :shy: Actually and honestly im really anxious to find out the result and am hoping for the best. so yeah sorry if i worded what i said before...
  2. XShiv

    Did anyone else do the selective test at North Sydney Boys today??

    Well thye had most, if not all the topics in the yr10 syllabus. But the thing was the extent and level to which these were tested were above yr10 standard. But as i said before for those of us who have high acedemic records and a good summary fo extra-curricular activities, we should be ok...
  3. XShiv

    ACER exam

    What school is this for? I have do do the ACER HAST, for Girraween High School as i mentioned previously. Who else needs to do the ACER examination for their selected schools? Oh and who else applyed at Girraween for yr11 next year =]
  4. XShiv

    Did anyone else do the selective test at North Sydney Boys today??

    From what i have heard, aparently NSB designs the test to make it hard to finish, well the maths anyways. I mean i heard of a guy who got into NSB, and he only completed 1/4 of his maths exam. Thats only 25% provided he got all the questions correct. *Note, its only what ive heard. People...
  5. XShiv

    Did anyone else do the selective test at North Sydney Boys today??

    yea. yes we did, thank god haha.
  6. XShiv

    Did anyone else do the selective test at North Sydney Boys today??

    Saturday ay, well good luck =] No NSBHS didnt do acer, but ive got the test for Girraween on the comming saturday and they use Acer examinations. English wasnt to bad, but maths was a killer, well for me anyways. Basiclly they tested everything i have ever learnt in maths some how and at a very...
  7. XShiv

    Did anyone else do the selective test at North Sydney Boys today??

    hey yea i sat it to, exnglish was all good but maths was pretty tough. I did bits and pieces of the paper, yr11 standard if you ask me. I was the indian guy. dosent narrow it down does it :rofl: Well we/ you have a good chance if you can even it out wit your acedemic record. and there only...
  8. XShiv

    Advice/Help for entering selective school for year 11 in 2009?

    haha thank you for the post, i may not have fully understood the message trying to be conveyed but ill take it in good manner =] yea the music bit, well i mean i did learn a years worth of piano so i decided to put it in lol peace.
  9. XShiv

    Chances of getting into a selective school?

    I agree with you. Its just in some cases you might be unlucky in terms of grades. eg. I recived an A in maths in yr9 but missed out on one for year10 buy about a mark and a half. Yea sure they look at your yr10 report closely, but they would really also get a better summary if you may, by...
  10. XShiv

    Chances of getting into a selective school?

    Quick Question. As you would be aware the its yr9's semester 2 report and yr10's semester 1 (Usually), do you have A's in the subjects you got B's in to even it out in any of the reports. eg. Yr9 -English - A Yr10 - English - B *or the other way around. ;)
  11. XShiv

    Chances of getting into a selective school?

    Your reports are decent and i think you have a good chance. You have to keep in mind that your chance of getting in is so very relative to the credentials and amount of kids applying for your selected shools. Remember that getting into a decent slective school is always a game of chance to some...
  12. XShiv

    Advice/Help for entering selective school for year 11 in 2009?

    hey guys, I applied for 4 Selective Schools for year 11 next year including: NSBHS Girraween Normanhurst Boys Penrith High *In that order My report for last year, semester two had A's for Maths, English, Science and Commerce. B's for the rest. This years semester 1 report had about 3 A's...