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  1. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Das Neves told me that we get our orientation on the same day as the new year 7's next year ahaha haha ohhh yea!
  2. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    haha yewww! yes same here man! It was really nice of you to come up and say hi :) + you met my dad =P God it was awkard when i had to go up to the science department to get some booklets. Everyone was staring haha
  3. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Anybody got an interview time for tommorow? Im at 11 =]
  4. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Hahah yea i know! yea man AE, Vegas and abit of Photoshop :) ahhh sweet Just thought id mention that this thread has had 1,000 Views :D
  5. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Haha long story really, which involves me searching girra vids on youtube. I was bored ok! =P haha LoL dw i saw ya other vids which were alot better :D haha sand, was it for a geo excursion or somefin, the one about dunes or something? My Youtube Although i have no c-walkin vids on their...
  6. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Are u tha guy c-walkin in "hvf20six CWalk @ Cronulla Beach 14/03/08" The youtube vid =P=P
  7. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    haha yeaa cant wait to meet all u guys at girra nxt year, looking foward to it =] lolz yea i am. Its form a while ago when i was into c-walking :p
  8. XShiv

    reserve list for girra

    Haha yea there was heapsss! Yep your right it is both. To the OP i know someone who was 4th and got called up for an interview, not sure if he was being offered a place or not. But yea you have a chance i guess, it really depends. gd luk
  9. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Yea i got my Enrolement package 2day in the mail (Y) Subject selection form is confusing though lol :hammer:
  10. XShiv

    Year 11 Choices- General Maths or Maths ( 2 unit)?

    What level of Maths are you currently studying at school? 5.1, 5.2 ,5.3...
  11. XShiv

    girraween 2009 year 11.

    Yea im probs going haha Btw Suneeta have you recived an enrolemnt package yet?
  12. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Hey i live in Bella Vista which is basiclly the hills. So yea girra isnt far at all, i mean the bus stop is right across the road from my current bus stop so nothing really changes in terms of commuting for me. But for Normo i would have to wake up earlier and catch a bus to castle towers and...
  13. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Hey umm i got an interview offer from Normanhurst Boys today. I was wondering if i get in what be a better choice Normo or Girra? Im thinking Girra atm interms of distance and convenience. Any thoughts?
  14. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Nice to meet you aswell :) Umm nope not yet, but i kno a couple of ppl in my grade there atm Well i gave the offer letter back saying i accept so they said they will send an enrolment package soon, so i guess ill kno when that arrives =] Well i went for: Maths EX1 English Adv Chem Physc Eco...
  15. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Thank you :] haha
  16. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Hey the names Shiv =] I go to Gilroy Catholic College atm and while its a nice school and all it isnt really very acedemically inclined. Rofl yea thats wat ive heard, when i went to sit the test i noticed parts of the school were falling apart haha. Yep i have to go for an interview. Any...
  17. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Thank you :) Umm basiclly top 10% for everything except reading :P I recieved it on 11/9/08 =]
  18. XShiv

    Baulkho/Girraween/Penrith High

    Yea i got my letter for Girraween. I got in so yea :p Guess thats good ay haha They actully gave the resulsts for the ACER HAST aswell so that was pretty sik =] gd luk.
  19. XShiv

    James Ruse Agricultural High

    Yea that will be the day...
  20. XShiv

    Anyone apply for St Marys Senior?

    Just wonmdering hows the crowd and atmosphere there?