Ok as previois posters have already mentioned your new school can not technically access your record from your current school.
Firstly getting suspended for a fight is no new thing, it happens to kids at schools everyday.
Secondly if your worried that your new school will decide to look at...
I wrote about a solider in iraq who is in this storm and finds shelter in a random house where there is a little innocent boy etc.
I then went on to talk about how he linked warfare as an ongoing storm.
I kinda felt really preasured on time in that one, as i had to first come up with the...
To the First bit, yes i did exactly that! :uhhuh:
Peach coloured letter?
FYI: I was at Girraween High School, if that helps.
God i had my calculator in my bag the whole time, i was under the impression that we wernt allowed to use it!:burn:
Your right it would have really helped for that wine...
Well 70 people isnt that much really.
Im guessing NSG offers about 20 or so new spots for yr11.
Its all very realative to how others applying performed and how your Acedemic record is etc.
good luck :]
Yeah alot of people were saying english was challenging.
lol well yes to some extent.
Your test covered both North sydney and Hornsby Girls right?
So did u apply for both those schools?
They used ACER HAST right?
Yeah I sat it at Girraween High School.
I Think it was pretty straight foward, although i felt a bit presured on time.
All up i think i performed fairly well =]
As mentioned above some selective high schools open a new class of about 20-25, the BOS makes the selective schools which can handle this do it.
As far as ive been told.
Bit late now isnt it?
Applications closed 31st July.
Adding to above.
Logs (mabey)
Umm i think that sums it up pretty well.
Work on your basics aswell, as sometimes we tend to forget the simple things ;]
good luck. :)