Search results

  1. M

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    I love the results on this poll. Lets hope the US have the same views as us haahaha McCain shits me, dont know why...I dont like the idea of such an old person being in as the president I rather like obama...he just seems to me the type of person that could do well
  2. M

    Rudd to ban thin models

    It will never work anyway - Not trying to be mean or anything, but if your a clothing company and want to make your clothing look really good - your not going to put them on an overweight person and take pictures and put them in a magazine . . .
  3. M

    2008 NRL Premiership

    Wow . . . thats all i have to say after that game . . . just wow
  4. M

    Scenario: HSC Starts tomorrow?

    Re: HSC Starts tomorrow? Eaaaasy in some of the topics - would really give me an advantage because alot of people wouldnt be ready for me dominating them in modern history (haha - is a joke, ill go alright though) english is a joke of a subject :(
  5. M

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Creationism is far from fact - it is based apon a book - this book has no factual evidence proving it is speaking the truth. Evolution has holes in it. But it is commonly taken as fact, although its still a theory due to these holes. I think evolution should be a fact. The stories of adam and...
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    The Mighty Boosh - Funniest show on tv??

    Unfortunatly, it is the funniest TV series on at the moment...
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    Fringe is an awesome tv show. Its the best new show on tv currently...Glad to see atleast 1 channel is running a TV show that isnt about dancing/singing/fatties loosing wieght/crime... (yeah i am aware about dexter and all that, they are alright but you know what i mean) Although because it is...
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    Periods per day

    Erm 40 minute periods with 9 in the day (start at 8:20 on some days for the seniors and 3:10 finish) God damn i hate double periods :P
  9. M

    Rudd to ban thin models

    Cannibal Horse has a point though, Lyounamu. There is no reason to get rid of thin models - there is a reason to get rid of the ones with eating problems - they should be in hospital or were ever getting better, not working. . .