thats a load of crap, its nothing like wc3 for the poster above. . .
and yeah, it is just blizzard wanting more money (because they can make much more from mmo's...why do you think they keep bringing out new expansions to wow?)
Heh i did business at school - no tafe for me . . .
I think the mark is based off the results you get for the HSC test aaand the marks you got in the tests over the year
(hehe my teacher left the marks we all got open at a computer so they do actually have the marks aswell..not just a...
Yeah they are all so similar, i think that kinda makes the topics easier because they all interlap with each other...
Hmm, does business services give a UAI? or is it just "your competent!"
heh never found out : (
because of having 4 different teachers over the years >_>
Hmm, anyone done the HSC test for this?
Do you think its easy (so far i am getting like 90% for everything ive done in class...its so easy...dont know if the teacher is giving us easy marks or if its just easy)
Er, anyone know what ya can do after this topic?
like ive had 4-5 different...
Religion is for the people that are so insecure with there life and NEED a reason to be alive.
Basically people that cant cope with realising that there is nothing after you die.
Didnt Howard create an internet filter that was hacked by a young teenager in minutes?
I cannot find the link for it anymore (haha, the link was posted on was making a joke of it..)
But seriously, this has to be against our freedom right? like seriously...we arnt china.
Lmao, those last 3 posts are funny hahaaha
I do not ahve a problem with homosexuality...they can do what they want, doesnt affect me at all, it also doesnt affect you at all...does it?