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  1. M

    Who DOESN'T want to go to Uni?

    Heh im not going to Uni - may in a few years if this traineeship i got recently (i needa go to tafe for it though) doesnt work out but hey - to all those people going to uni and not even sure what they are doing there (like just going there because its something else to do) your idiots... heh
  2. M

    Newcastle Movie

    Ah, newcastle :P love it here haha but i hate surf movies :) ahaha
  3. M

    The role of the bible

    its role in my life? toilet paper.
  4. M

    Internet filtering: You can't opt-out

    gah, you cant expect these genius's to implement 2 things at once can you?
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    Modern History is nearing.

    i fucking hate ancient history, shits me off its all like "this MAY HAVE happened but we are not sure"
  6. M

    Modern History is nearing.

    Why are so many people crapping themselves over indochina!? its relitvely easy...its all logical stuff haha
  7. M

    Indochina Help / Notes ?

    atleast read over cambodia so you get a basic idea of whats going on, dont just cut it out all together...not a smart idea :P
  8. M

    Best MMORPG?

    Ragnarok online :P an old one but still fucking awesome
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    Best MMORPG?

    unfortunatly game makers wont try something different if it is costing them heaps of money to create, why try for something unique and it could fail costing the company heaps damn the expenses it costs to make games! we would actually have some decent games out if there were close to no expenses :P
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    Another Pacific Islander news: Family laughed as toddler spun in dryer

    This threads first 6'ish posts are lol lyk srsly teh internetz iz 4 teh lulz
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    Another Pacific Islander news: Family laughed as toddler spun in dryer

    Ah yes, clever arnt they? Like seriously, cant you people see the clothes dryer was used to CLEAN the baby? and the boot to the head was simply a mistake confusing the child for a ball?
  12. M

    Final Fantasy

    yawn...boring turn based attack system (i am aware 1 or 2 of them dont use this but still..yawn)
  13. M

    Funny cartoon =) You must do legal to understand it!

    haha basically no point replying properly now as its already been explained but you dont need to be a legal student to know basic shit like that... only idiots dont understand basic political/legal jokes hahaha
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    MUSLIM uncle burns 11 year old neice for wearing lipstick

    religion as a whole must be eradicated to stop all this shit. Dont come back that religion creates morales, because it doesnt.
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    MUSLIM uncle burns 11 year old neice for wearing lipstick

    There are no savagers or civilised people - only different cultures (what am i kidding, i dont believe that line, that was fucking barbaric)
  16. M

    Funny cartoon =) You must do legal to understand it!

    You dont needa do legal to understand it..just not an idiot :)
  17. M

    ISRAELI JEWS proud their ancestors killed Jesus.

    Id be happy my ancestors killed the guy if i was from there. wow it would be such a task killing a son of a "god" wouldnt it?
  18. M

    Club Character Notes and Qoutes

    thank you! this will help me so much! haha i hated the club :P
  19. M

    Trial harder then HSC?

    I studied alot more for the trials...(but i got all my notes from the trials for the HSC) So far i am finding the HSC easier then the trials good thing to do that - makes everyone scared of bad marks from trials hahhaa