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  1. neuvie

    is a 70 still possible based on assessment marks?

    how can i find it? on the website i only saw an option to enter school name and then see who got b6/state ranks etc.
  2. neuvie

    is a 70 still possible based on assessment marks?

    ps. i guess the goal is to get the best possible marks that i can do but here would be ideal maths advanced ~70 english advanced ~70 chemistry ~75 food technology ~80 physics ~65 it feels kind of pretentious and tbh im spending more time panicking than actually doing things 😭
  3. neuvie

    is a 70 still possible based on assessment marks?

    so i got a conditional early entry offer for a uni that i really want to go to, probably the only good one out of the 3 offers i have right now however the minimum requirement is 69 and my assessment marks have been awful here are my subjects and approximate assessment marks out of 100 as well...
  4. neuvie

    will i achieve my atar goal of ~70?

    my school is ranked in the 220s and its not a rural area unfortunately.
  5. neuvie

    will i achieve my atar goal of ~70?

    food technology wasnt there so i assumed by putting in my mark for agriculture and it gave me a 65 which is still bad tbf :chainsaw2::chainsaw2:
  6. neuvie

    will i achieve my atar goal of ~70?

    thank you very much! i put in my chem phys eng and assumed a maths mark of 50 but its still giving a 60 atar which is disappointing but i guess is realistic as to how ill do :(
  7. neuvie

    will i achieve my atar goal of ~70?

    im considering uts pathways right now, im not completely sure on what to do atp because i dont want to waste any more time and money on just trying to get into uni in the first place :( and of course everyone is trying to make an academic comeback right now so not much will change, im not...
  8. neuvie

    will i achieve my atar goal of ~70?

    hey so ive gotten most of my trial marks back, and ranks have somewhat gone up/stayed the same i guess but they're still really really bad and its not looking bright for me. after entering my trial marks into an atar calculator, it gives me an estimated 53 atar here are my subjects and trial...
  9. neuvie

    sci ext portfolio

    so my sci ext major report is due on the coming friday, im still working on my report but havent done portfolio theres 4 people in my class and none of us have finished but i dont have contact with my classmates so i cant ask them about how theyve done it i cant find any examples online so could...
  10. neuvie

    deriving the formula for velocity on a banked track

    thank you very much for your explanation! i had just watched the video about circular motion by scienceready today and now i noted it in my book, appreciate the replies everyone :jump:
  11. neuvie

    deriving the formula for velocity on a banked track

    yeah we do learn to derive it i guess (i didnt pay much attention in class so here i am asking questions), then we typically just work it out in the derived form but then i often forget/dont understand how to derive it :(
  12. neuvie

    deriving the formula for velocity on a banked track

    where does the formula v=sqrt(gr tan theta) come from? i tried searching it up on google but it gives an explanation mentioning some laws we dont do, and when i asked my physics teacher i was told that its extremely unlikely or that we will pretty much never be asked to derive it, but i am just...
  13. neuvie

    how to revise for unseen texts in paper 1??

    if the question asks about language or techniques in general (ie how does the composer use literary devices to convey human experiences), do i address the kinds of techniques in the paradox? i usually answer with something like "the composer uses literary devices to convey the individual human...
  14. neuvie

    how to revise for unseen texts in paper 1??

    ^^ whats the most effective way to quickly get comfortable with analysing unseen texts? 😭😭 when i encounter these questions, i tend to look for literary/poetic devices first and i try to describe the effect (ie emphasises how the character feels) but as i keep going i end up yapping the whole...
  15. neuvie

    sf in maths

    what if it's like really messy? like with even more ln and e and stuff that just doesnt really make it look like a proper answer
  16. neuvie

    sf in maths

    when doing questions such as application of exponential decay, and the answer isnt really in exact form but has a lot of dp (such as ln3/6=0.183...), how many sf do i answer to if it is not specified? because sometimes i look in hsc answers and it gives like 2-3 dp and it is so confusing, i dont...
  17. neuvie

    tips for cramming hsc physics

    thank you so much for your reply and advice. im currently just so stuck between doing either theory first then calculation, calculation and then theory or doing both at the same time, which should be the most effective way to learn it but i feel that going through online notes doesnt give much...
  18. neuvie

    tips for cramming hsc physics

    oh god im so done for does anybody have study tips to quickly get good at phys? i really need to at least get a decent knowledge of the theory (ie, knowing the laws, experiments and important scientists) as well as being somewhat comfortable with calculations of different sorts (ie, those with...
  19. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    thank you so much again for the answer i think i get it now 🙏 🙏 🙏
  20. neuvie

    Did anyone else **genuinely** fuck up their english trials (missed questions, incomplete responses)?

    yeah my writing skills are just awful so i wouldve done terrible in standard either way im so fucked