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  1. neuvie

    Did anyone else **genuinely** fuck up their english trials (missed questions, incomplete responses)?

    yeah my school is ranked in 220s-230s maths eng adv btw but its still bad
  2. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    that is for the steps in between as well, right? for example finding v from v=u+at and then finding p from p=mv (just example) like v=1.23 (3sf) and then p=mv=m(1.23) etc, or v=1.23... and then p=m(1.23...) sorry it sounds so dumb but i just dont get the hang of it
  3. neuvie

    Did anyone else **genuinely** fuck up their english trials (missed questions, incomplete responses)?

    writing is my worst suit, i just cant plan my essays and cohesively write it 🙏
  4. neuvie

    Did anyone else **genuinely** fuck up their english trials (missed questions, incomplete responses)?

    these cumulative ranks are as of assessment task 2, its so laughably bad eng 61/61 chem 9/36 food tech 16/26 phys 20/27 maths 40/54 sci ext 3/4 i guess but i wanna drop that my goal atar is 85 btw
  5. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    sorry but just another question, when i use the actual value should i write "..."? for example 1.23456789 as 1.23... or just 1.23
  6. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    thank you very much for the clarification 🙏
  7. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    thank you very much for the clarification (again)
  8. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    what do you mean by variables in calculation? also at the end when you say sig fig in the question, is it according to the lowest or highest amt of sig fig?
  9. neuvie

    how many sf in phys???

    in any physics question, where the answer has a lot of decimal points and/or is irrational, how many sf do you write it in?? ive been told that you "answer in the least amt of sig fig that you used in calculation" but i dont get what that means. additionally, this is in terms of both working out...
  10. neuvie

    Did anyone else **genuinely** fuck up their english trials (missed questions, incomplete responses)?

    hey thats better than how i did 😔 being last ranked in english adv (61/61) i finished my common mod essay although it was largely yap and only 13 quotes in total, absolutely butchered short response in the worst way possible. mod b was the worst since i really hate emma and only wrote not even 2...
  11. neuvie

    I'm so done for, fucked up internals and trials.

    ahh i see for us our teacher gets us to write notes on our laptop but i havent really been paying attention lately :( right now i have to at the very least start getting a grasp on my phys topics and all, but my food tech trial is also soon so its a lot to process. thank you very much for your...
  12. neuvie

    I'm so done for, fucked up internals and trials.

    which subjects do you do? for me in food tech, i feel the subject is mostly about businesses and stuff although no maths. i didnt really take notes so i dont have much material to revise but im planning on going through notes i find online. i was expecting it to involve much more chemistry and...
  13. neuvie

    I'm so done for, fucked up internals and trials.

    thank you for your reply! ill be sure to go back and revise, ive somewhat started with maths but physics is just always in the back of my head and its making me lose so much concentration, just the thought of all my subjects. hopefully ill be as lucky as your brother and if i do remember this...
  14. neuvie

    I'm so done for, fucked up internals and trials.

    thank you very much for your reply! yeah studying hard seems to be the only option but im not an organised person so i dont really know how to get around with cramming, all the times ive tried i just end up failing my test. my physics trial is tomorrow and i skimmed through some past papers but...
  15. neuvie

    I'm so done for, fucked up internals and trials.

    good luck to you too, hope you get into the uni and course that you want! its somewhat less bad that theres others in the same situation as me
  16. neuvie

    I'm so done for, fucked up internals and trials.

    it's the second week of trials for me and it's been going awful. my goal atar is 85+ but I've just screwed up my whole year. i go to a school ranked around 220-230 and here are my latest ranks. maths adv 40/54 chem 9/36 food tech 16/21 phys 20/27 eng adv 61/61 sci ext 5/6 my english trial went...