Re: Would it be possible to re-accept an offer for main round that I previously rejec
Update: I successfully enrolled into UTS and will be attending starting from tomorrow! :-)
Re: Would it be possible to re-accept an offer for main round that I previously rejec
But on UAC it says "you have already rejected this offer. If you want to change your response, please contact the institution directly."
Is it too late to do that?
Re: Would it be possible to re-accept an offer for main round that I previously rejec
Oh wait the offer wasn't main round, it was Late round but I don't think it really matters either way.
First day of my course and i already know its not the one for me, I feel like I should get into another course which I have rejected already. Is it possible? If so, would it be too late? What should I do to get more info about this?
Also, would it be possible to enter a Masters of...
I got an early offer for B. of Health Sciences (Sport and Exercise Science) at UWS and accepted it. For my main round I received B. of Forensic Biology and Biomed. Science at UTS. I want to get into Masters of Physiotherapy but what are the chances of me getting into it when I apply for it after...
I received an early offer for UWS and I have successfully enrolled into the course, will I still be able to receive/be considered offers for my other preferences in the main round? (The course for UWS was my first preference but I changed it and placed it at the bottom of my preferences)
I just found out that the guy who got into Physiotherapy was from last year's HSC! He got accepted into UWS's Physiotherapy course if you wanted to know.
50.XX! I'd really like to ask him more questions but I only had a talk with him for about 5 minutes before he left (he was visiting my school at the time). He said his externals were great (band 5s and 6s) but his ranks pulled him down so bad so he ended up with an ATAR of around 50.
AH I see...
I'm not sure but I just know that I am eligible for EAS.
Ah I don't think that's the case. He said that the uni (not sure which one) he got into accepted him because of vacancies, so I'm assuming he applied right after HSC? Not sure though I'll need to ask a friend about that.
Stupid question...
An honest thread looking for honest answers.
My ATAR: 73.45 (lower than estimates on ATAR calculators...)
Course I want to get into:
Bachelor of Health Science/ Master of Physiotherapy (UWS): 98.00 ATAR cut-off
I feel like a failure putting up my marks here compared to all the people getting band 5s and 6s but whatever!
Basically I have four Band 4s and two Band 5s.
2 Ancient History 73/100 77/100 75 4
2 Biology 77/100 73/100 75 4
2 Chemistry 79/100 71/100 75 4
2 English (Standard) 80/100 73/100...
I'm really hoping to get at least a 65 ATAR and I'm not sure if I can even get there with how I've been going with the HSC... Also what would be the highest expected ATAR I would be able to get? Yeah I know I'm not exactly the brightest light bulb but yeah... Thanks!
Trial Marks:
Human Story is definitely harder this year than the past years, but I think I did okay for it. Some silly mistakes and I probably didn't put enough information for the long response one but oh well.
Studied jack shit during half yearlies, got results around 45~70%.
Trials I studied legit last minute 50~78%.
HSC I actually kinda studied but around the last week before exams started LMAO.
Is it just me or did they focus a big chunk on Blueprint? WHICH ALSO HAPPENS TO BE MY WORST.
Also the Human Story option is probably the hardest one in comparison to the past papers.
Since I have a memory of a goldfish, memorising whole essays will NOT work for me. I do better when I talk about it out loud then my mind jumps from one thing to another. Currently I'm just memorising quotes, techniques and then show how it conveys belonging...
For my creative I'm just gonna...