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  1. MrBrightside

    Software Development versus Software Engineering?

    Software engineering (SE) is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the design, development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software.[1] [2] [3] The term software engineering...
  2. MrBrightside

    Reapplying through UAC for a different degree after absent failing everything

    Cool thanks, please let us know what UNSW say. :)
  3. MrBrightside

    Reapplying through UAC for a different degree after absent failing everything

    When did we have to submit the UAC application by? Is the late option still available?
  4. MrBrightside

    Past HSC Student; advice to those taking IPT in 2013

    I have notes in my sig, bottom of page 3. I used the excel book too, It is really good, as it's updated for the latest changes to the syllabus, and covers everything thoroughly for the entire HSC course.
  5. MrBrightside

    Year 11 Subjects.

    This was before the lines were even made up. I think it is because there are two practical builds you must do.
  6. MrBrightside

    Year 11 Subjects.

    Hi Is it reasonable that my school doesn't allow students to pick both D&T and Industrial timber together as it adds too much pressure and costs on the student, as 2 major projects need to be built.
  7. MrBrightside

    Software Engineering versus IT Scholarship

    Which one would you choose and why?
  8. MrBrightside

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    I made sure I wrote all mine out. I remember writing out each one 4 times the night before, just so I'd be confident the next day. :) Good luck to all, don't stress to much and get your SLEEP! minimum 8 hours, 9 -10 hours if you want to feel good in the morning. These weeks will be the...
  9. MrBrightside

    To all HSC students stressing

    ahah that's what I did :) nice advice.
  10. MrBrightside

    Is "94"atar enough to go around boasting???

    No, people don't care about ATAR at uni. You're in the course you hopefully wanted to do, go live life, make new friends with like-minded people.
  11. MrBrightside

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    lol I know a week before the HSC I barely touched a computer. Good luck fellas. Study those essays!
  12. MrBrightside

    Information Technology, UMacq - UNSW- UTS or USyd

    ICT Engineering, majoring in telecommunications, would probably land you better chances of on site jobs than a degree in IT (IT is heavily involved with screen work, I can't speak much of engineering, but from talking to other people, engineering seems to be the way to go for a more off-screen...
  13. MrBrightside

    Software Development versus Software Engineering?

    What is the difference between software development and software engineering? I have a feeling they can be used interchangeably in industry. Link:
  14. MrBrightside

    Information Technology, UMacq - UNSW- UTS or USyd

    Yep do this. Don't bother with uni, it will be a waste of time and money if you simply just want to be able to repair and build computers from manufacturer parts. Look at uni as a way to enhance your career progression, in case you ever got bored of computer building, you could move into a...
  15. MrBrightside

    Completely undecided on degrees/future, please help!

    Re: Completely undecided, please help! Good choice. But your mind will probably change a few times, before you get to your major.
  16. MrBrightside

    Completely undecided on degrees/future, please help!

    Re: Completely undecided, please help! Hate to burst your bubble, but it kinda doesn't work like that. You need publishers to promote and distribute media and a honest, quality, built up brand which people are willing to pay for. There's a reason why there ain't many of these game dev...
  17. MrBrightside

    Completely undecided on degrees/future, please help!

    Re: Completely undecided, please help! If you want a career in games development, be prepared to travel overseas and live there during your work life.
  18. MrBrightside

    Uni or an academy?

    Awesome ATAR >> Uni Not so awesome ATAR >> College But also look at the subjects you'll be studying in each course and go from there. ATAR is irrelevant, if you hate the subjects in the course.
  19. MrBrightside

    Computer IT HELP

    This. If you want to go down this stream, do it as only a side option. Don't devote you entire career upon it. Get a 9am-5pm Mon-Fri job at a computing company, and then have your side repairs over the weekends or at nights for your local community customers. Most people these days end up...