Search results

  1. MrBrightside

    2013 Autumn Semester Timetables (UTS)

    Re: UTS timetables Yep, plenty of assignments, and the homework is sometimes set, but most of the time it will be up to your own self study. Also if you don't end up moving closer, I recommend keeping the 4 day pw schedule. 4 hours of travelling time is a killjoy. Just to give you an idea, I...
  2. MrBrightside

    Should I even bother with getting a career in IT/Computer Science?

    I'm a second year IT student. > I can confidently say there is little or no maths in all subjects. (Most have no relation to maths what so ever, such as business/IT type subjects - the only maths I've come across is basically division by 2 and doubling numbers e.g...
  3. MrBrightside

    2013 Autumn Semester Timetables (UTS)

    Re: UTS timetables ahah dude, if I were you, I'd space it out over 5 days. But it depends on how far you live from uni and your personal preference. If you're willing to go to uni with 4 days of crammed subjects, go for it. Gosh this makes IT look like a feakin breeze / walk in the park...
  4. MrBrightside

    Information Technology or Engineering (Computer)

    Good Response. Also please read this thread regarding 'Maths in IT' if you haven't already.
  5. MrBrightside

    Maths in IT

    Yes, discrete maths is part of IT at Macquarie.
  6. MrBrightside

    My Major Project (HSC mark 98/100, first in state)

    Nice project, looks neat.
  7. MrBrightside

    Maths in IT

    It depends where you're coming from though. You may be a whiz at maths, and consider MX1/MX2 HSC maths a no brainer. But for other people on these forums, they may be coming from backgrounds involving only limited maths, say 2 unit (advanced) or general maths or no senior year maths at all. For...
  8. MrBrightside

    Information Technology or Engineering (Computer)

    This is true as far as I know. Would love to be proven wrong on job prospects in Australia for Comp. Eng. though.
  9. MrBrightside

    Electronic Dance Music

    No.1 DJ/Composer in the world.
  10. MrBrightside

    Electronic Dance Music

    Top track.
  11. MrBrightside

    Maths in IT

    This is true. IT = The non-theoretical side of computing. It scratches the surface of basic computer science e.g. basic logic gates and basic Boolean logic, but that's all it does. It doesn't go in depth of maths and theories. That's for the Computer Science and Software/Computer Engineers to...
  12. MrBrightside

    Mathematics in B bus/science in it

    Re: Mathematics in B bus/science in it (UTS) Why not just do this course (, instead of a double degree?
  13. MrBrightside

    Maths in IT

    a) Depends which uni you're going to (as they all have different course structures). b) Generally, most IT degrees have no maths or very minimal e.g. basic addition, multiplication, division, ability to apply exponents (powers) or double numbers. c) USyd would have to be the most intensive IT...
  14. MrBrightside

    Software Development versus Software Engineering?
  15. MrBrightside

    Free notes for 2012 HSCers and beyond :D

    It's working for me. What Operating System are you using? Mac OSX?
  16. MrBrightside

    Information Technology, UMacq - UNSW- UTS or USyd

    More than engineering, but still the majority are guys. 24% were girls in IT this year, 12% in engineering. Depends what uni as well.
  17. MrBrightside

    Software Design & Development Marathon [2012]

    Good luck guys, and don't stress too much. Know your algorithms for the searches and sorts.
  18. MrBrightside

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    And to think this was me just over a year ago. :o
  19. MrBrightside

    Software Development versus Software Engineering?

    Comp sci has no compulsory physics, neither does SENG at UNSW. USyd SENG has the only compulsory physics I know of for a computing course.
  20. MrBrightside

    Software Development versus Software Engineering?

    I'm currently in the workforce, coding in PHP with HTML to read from a database using MySQL AND manually comparing doing tonnes of spread sheets 90% of my time. I'm studying a Bachelor of Information Technology, which requires no maths, a lot of emphasis on BUSINESS information systems, diagram...