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  1. MrBrightside


    Eh, sounds a bit like me when I was trying to choose a course in 2011. Rather than re-type everything out again, I recently replied here of my current view on computing degrees from various unis...
  2. MrBrightside

    Do you still need my notes?

    Do you still need my notes?
  3. MrBrightside

    Information Technology/ Computing Degrees 2015

    Well structured response. :) +1 I'm in my 3rd Year of IT atm @ UTS, and believe me, there hasn't been a semester where I haven't thought about changing to a more technical degree at a better uni who actually knows what they're doing in terms of low-level hardware and software concepts. From an...
  4. MrBrightside

    Assumed Knowledge Physics for Software Eng

    No, it's not required for most SENG courses, 2-week bridging courses are always available though (for ~$400), before the start of the uni year; during February.
  5. MrBrightside

    I want to do something in TAFE but I feel I have to do uni

    Uni courses allow you to major, whereas TAFE courses pretty much force you to pick a specific course right from the start of your diploma (Although TAFE courses are generally shorter, some are 6-24 months, easily allowing you to transfer into a degree thereafter), you can also choose uni...
  6. MrBrightside

    BIT or Comp Sci?

    > Blair is that you? lol'd at the reference. Good one. You were a former BIT? If so, which year in your course did you decide to transfer, 1st year? Also, no computing degree ever intends on teaching you every language, it's too cumbersome and ineffective to do solely that, languages can...
  7. MrBrightside

    Free SDD Notes (from 2011 HSC)

    Hi there, just in case you were unaware, I have SDD notes outlining the 2011 syllabus. I'm aware that not much has changed, content-wise, from the 2012 and beyond syllabus. I also have notes on IPT and IT VET here. All the best! MrBrightside
  8. MrBrightside

    Free notes for 2013 HSCers and beyond :D

    Hi there, just in case you were unaware, I made a thread after I finished my HSC in 2011. I pretty much offered all of my solid HSC notes for free on IPT, SDD, IT VET, SoR 1 unit, Maths 2 unit and English Advanced here: Good luck...
  9. MrBrightside

    Information Technology?

    If you think you're up for the maths, I would say bite the bullet now, and just do a CS or SENG degree, but if you think that you can't handle the maths that well, then suss out an IT course which doesn't involve much or any maths at all. You could always just do a 2 year degree at a private...
  10. MrBrightside

    IT Degree or Computer Science ??

    Yeah, the business side (modelling/diagramming specifications) of IT seems purely pointless and you feel worthless when doing it for assignments, [Sometimes I just think they had to throw it in, because there's nothing else they could teach us, without getting too technical] - Though I suppose...
  11. MrBrightside

    BIT or Comp Sci?

    Now in my second year, studying IT, subject-wise I wish I had done something more technical, like Comp Sci or Eng. The BIT course heavily relies on the two six-month industry placements to teach you real-world skills. At the moment, I'm paying over 4 grand to work in 3 team-based subjects...
  12. MrBrightside

    transferring courses after 2nd year

    They'll probably look at your uni GPA / WAM (transcript) and the reason why you want to change, more than anything else.
  13. MrBrightside

    IT Degree or Computer Science ??

    From a very summarised perspective, yes that is true. CS/Soft Eng/Comp Eng degrees are more world renowned, especially in the US. There's a certain structure to them which all universities must teach. (Though, some universities may vary slightly, their core content is likely to be pretty much...
  14. MrBrightside

    Difference between B.IT and B.Science in IT?

    Just adding onto that, BIT is more focused towards the industry (with two SPONSORED six-month internships (UTS gives you the placements, based on a numbering preference system as to which company you will work at - but you're guaranteed two placements), one in your Second Semester, First Year...
  15. MrBrightside

    Free notes for 2012 HSCers and beyond :D

    Sorry I have been inactive for awhile (my account had login issues, as apparently there is an issue for Microsoft blocking password reset emails from, any ways, glad to be back. The above FileSmelt link seems to be working fine for me on Firefox for Windows, though some...
  16. MrBrightside

    Need some Advice

    A lot of those degrees interrelate with each other - jobs wise. So say you did Comp Eng, you would still be able to get employed doing normal IT Sys Admin or Developer related jobs (Just bear in mind an IT degree is usually shorter than an Engineering one, i.e. 3-4 years (IT) versus 4-5 years...
  17. MrBrightside

    Making friends

    Highly relevant:
  18. MrBrightside

    Electronic Dance Music

  19. MrBrightside

    Information Processes and Technology Resource

    If you need notes check out the bottom of my thread here: Good luck!
  20. MrBrightside

    What's the biggest meal you have eaten?

    A Happy Meal with a small orange juice.