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  1. W

    Speaking Exam

    Yeah...well... anywho... I did my extention speaking trials just before... that was "fun" to say the least. But hey, i didnt resort to banging my head against the table this time ;)
  2. W

    Speaking Exam

    we have about 30 people who do continuers and 5 people who do ext... so not that many people do ext by my count. Granted its one school, but im sure other schools have fewer people. If you are correct, think of the logistics of getting everybody to do ext at the same time? There would bee...
  3. W

    Speaking Exam

    maybe... we'll have to wait and see though... i suppose there wouldnt be as many ext people as continuers
  4. W

    Religious affiliation

    Technically it shouldnt be possible to hurt someone because of what they believe. Many people believe things that dont harmonise with other peoples way of thinking. That doesnt mean they should feel hurt, or feel the need to change what they believe. If you truly believe something you have to...
  5. W

    Speaking Exam

    Are you a james cooker too? Horay for meeting new people if you are. Dates= Continuers- 14th of august.... Extention- 21st of august.
  6. W

    Speaking Exam

    I got mine yesterday... 1pm for continuers... 9am for extention. I guess the 9am is alraight because id be getting more and more stressed as the day went on.
  7. W

    Never Been Kissed

    "The small man with a fake moustache bids $100000" *runs off laughing* "Ok... our next highest bid was $50000" *also runs off laughing* "Were there any serious bids for this item?" *everybody laughs and runs off*
  8. W

    Rate Urself outta 10!

    Id rate my self 9/10 to get a band 6. I can do 2 unit :) I dont really study... but when i do, I just pick a topic area and write a few sentences on it. Cause i wrote it, i remember it... so thats about it.
  9. W

    Usage of と and や

    と: This is more like "Theres this AND that." Those two things are everything there is. や: This is more like "There this and that and someother things that i wont bother mentioning". Theres more than two things there but you dont care to say them. For example. If you were at school and you...
  10. W

    Ext Jap!!!

    make up a picture in your mind to remember what the word means. Look at the meaning of the kanji and see if you can think of a picture that matches that... it doesnt always work, but it works for a lot of the Kanji.
  11. W

    yr 12 formal

    You all assume the worst of him... maybe, just maybe, he actually has something on and he's not making it up ;) I'd think of him as a scumbag if he turned up to the formal with someone else. If you take someone to the formal, then you sort of feel obliged to stay with them the whole...
  12. W

    Speaking Exam

    anny day now... I wonder if they will send ext speaking times in the same letter... if not I can rant about the BoS killing trees :P
  13. W

    have a look~ (recommended b^^)

    walk around the zoo... or a camera shop :P You're bound to find japanese people there. Alternitively, you can go to the airport and hold up a sign which says "Welcome Japanese People" in japanese... then wait at a gate where a flight from Japan arrives. I'd sugguest writing out your...
  14. W

    Anyone into photography?

    Photography is cool... I bought a nikon F55 when i went to Japan a few years ago... best investment I ever made! I dont really take photos that often... i like culture photos... theres not a lot of culture where I come from ;) The main photos i take are wedding photos cause theres lots of...
  15. W

    Dystopia. BNW/BR

    meh... i knew it was after one of the wars :P But eugenics was gaining popularity... it was a chilling prediction of what hitler would try and do ;)
  16. W

    You now have a xx% of being caught...

    Isn't uni all about plagerism? What do they think you do there? Learn?! Ha.
  17. W

    have a look~ (recommended b^^)

    She may not have wallked up to they may have started it around her... im only going on what i can remember.
  18. W

    have a look~ (recommended b^^)

    Ha... i know a few people like that. But my japanese teacher said "honto ni" is really useful... she was once at a company in japan and they were having this big conversation so she just walked up and said it... then they all thought she could understand... it was quite funny for her.
  19. W

    Are we behind?

    teachers like to be finished everything before the trials... That way you dont have to get stressed about learning new stuff before the HSC. Instead of spending time learning, you have 5-6 weeks of revision. A few of my subjects are finished for that reason.
  20. W

    have a look~ (recommended b^^)

    If i ever go back to japan again i want to join a conversation between strangers and go "Hontou ni?" then when they look at me funny ill yell out "NIGERU!!!!" and run away kikiki