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  1. W

    gwen harwood writing assessment task

    Theres a biography about her on i think
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    Dystopia. BNW/BR

    Both Aldous Huxley and Ridley Scott present a dystopic view of the world in their respective texts; the novel, Brave New World and the film, BladeRunner. Although these texts are fiction, they present to their audience a possible future world based on the context and values of their times. This...
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    Religious affiliation

    Before I start, i'd like to say you have some good points :) And I hope you realise that if I'm breaking down your posts, its not because I'm raming what i believe down your throat, I'm just saying stuff about it. I think in this day and age there is a lot of good reason to become an athiest...
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    Religious affiliation

    I would have to agree. If there was a competition out there to see who had the least relative conversions to any religion, athiests would win. Partly because a lot of athiest have tried their hand at believing in a God but didnt find him, and partly because they believe theres nothing there so...
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    Religious affiliation

    Although it is a secondary source, you cant really base it on what one or two people have seen. You'd have to find a lot of people who witnessed the event for it to hold any credibility. I reckon if 500 people saw someone who was dead walking around you'd have to agree it was something very...
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    Religious affiliation

    The answer is yes and no. Theres a really long answer which im too lazy to go into. The short answer is catholics are christians. The word catholic means universal and was the word given to name the early christians. The split happened in about the mid 1500's. There was this guy named Martin...
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    being asked out...what method would you prefer?

    I reckon in person is the way to do it. If i am (or the person asking me is) too nervous to do it face to face, how are we going to act when going out, or when people ask us about our relationship. I want to be able to have how we really feel known to each other, and I dont think that can happen...
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    Theatrical Careering

    For me, acting is purely for fun. I enjoy the nervous excitement you get before you perform, then the relief you feel after its over. I couldnt enjoy that as a job. I will not persue an acting career (partly because its a hard industry to crack) because when something fun becomes a job, it...
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    Religious affiliation

    You can question why you have faith in it. Do you really believe in it? Or were you just going with the crowd? And if you dont believe it, but your parents do, obviously you dont really have faith in it yourself so therefore you can question it seriously because you have to decide for...
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    Religious affiliation

    I have very mixed opinions on Hillsongs. On one level, i think its really good that they get lots of people coming to their church. I think its awesome that people can get so many others to come and it would be cool if that happened in all churches. But the main level is the problems I have...
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    exchange programs

    Ask your school... they should be able to at least point you in the direction of places.
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    Wedding Song.

    For the lack of being able to remember a song that makes me feel so peaceful, I would chose "Here Comes The Sun" by the Beatles. It isnt the best song in the world... but it makes me feel cool. I also wouldnt mind "Grace and Love" by Kutless... that would be an awesome song to use. But...
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    sum1 please help!!!

    Whoa whoa... calm down... theres nothing to be scared of. I know the speaking booklet looks huge, but its only big if you want to memorise all the questions (you'd be insane if you did!). If you looked at it practically, theres not that many questions you need to know. A lot of the questions...
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    One, Two, Three..... Yay!!!!!!

    Some days i used to go to the main page lots, and i swore that every single time i went another day would go off... that was the scariest. Now i dont have that problem because ive learnt not to care when the HSC is... i have most of my tests before and during the trials anyway, so thats what im...
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    Kid doing Standard English

    My advice with creative writing would be to just write a story about yourself, something you feel very strongly about. If you look at a picture and you think to yourself, has something like this happened to me, or would I like it to, thats a good place to start. Only you know your personal...
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    If you love someone...

    Could I possibly hijack this thread? I know its early days and theres still more to talk about but its semi related. I just watched cast away for the umpteenth time, but it was the first time id ever gotten past the first bit. The ending part sort of got me thinking. So here goes... If the...
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    Ban on Gay Marriage

    I was quite aware of how my post was ending out in a more God centered debate than a topic centered debate as i was posting. Originally, the part you quoted was going to be the only part i wrote, but then I realised it had nothing to do with the topic. So now I offer my concluding statement...
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    NO! It is very very stupid to use another text on the board of studies text lists. The markers dont know which text you were supposed to know in detail which is a very bad idea. 1984 is a novel, so think of different text types such as photographs, movies, songs etc. If you have a strong...
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    Ban on Gay Marriage

    I dont like that whole structure... if the person I loved died and i had all the things we worked so hard for taken away, it would be like rubbing salt in a wound. It would be so painful to lose everything you spent your life working for. And if i was the family of the deceased, i could no way...
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    Ban on Gay Marriage

    It doesnt matter if you dont want to be married under God, if you go into a church then the person who marrys both together has been given that right by the law and by God. If you wish to get married, find somewhere else where they will do it. Just because of your sexual preference you cannot...