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  1. W

    Did you perform worse in the HSC performance than you usually would?

    I was told i did better than the trials
  2. W

    How to use 'no hōga'?

    You can also say: Nihon yori Australia ha ichiban ooki kuni desu. That says Australia is a bigger country THAN japan. OR Nihon to kurabete Australia ha ichiban ooki kuni desu. Compared to Japan, Australia is the biggest country.
  3. W

    How was ext speaking?

    Twasnt that hard. For question one, you just had to say some of the effects it had on education and careers. That was easy. For question 3 you could say there is various reasons for bullying. If you come from a different country, you may get racial discrimination. If you you have your...
  4. W

    Nihongo de 日本語で

    たぶん日本語をはじめている生とのしけん。 BeginnerのSpeakingしけんはいつ*ろうか。 (If everyone else but you got a letter, you need to ring the board of studies)
  5. W

    Ban on Gay Marriage

    I know that :) I even mentioned (loosely) that in my previous post... but i had already been told that when i was in this debate ages and ages ago
  6. W

    How was ext speaking?

    I assume, scince there is no alternate dates for the exams, it is safe to reveal the questions... 1. The internet has had too big an influence on education and careers. What is your opinion. 2. Parents giving their children pocket money makes it harder for them to become independent...
  7. W

    Ban on Gay Marriage

    Hello again... Soon im going to write a message to the members of parliment in my local area, and to the prime minister + leader of the opposition on this topic. Recently a bill was passed to make sure the definition of marriage is "One man and one woman joined lawfully"... Im asking them...
  8. W

    How was ext speaking?

    I used the word "generally"... its not guarenteed that they wont listen to it... You will probably get really lucky... If you sound good, which i reckon you would have, they will probably listen. The thing about ext is that some people only speak for about a minute... so if yours goes for...
  9. W

    How was ext speaking?

    Generally they dont mark over 3 minutes (markers have a limited time to mark). If you speak for longer, then they tend to stop listening, then you get marked down for not having an ending
  10. W

    How was ext speaking?

    Most people did questions 1 & 2. I could have done question 2 easily, but I couldnt be bothered.
  11. W

    Interracial relationships

    If you love the person, theres nothing wrong with having a relationship with them. Theres a bit of social stigma about it because its not something that you see everyday.In general, the brain prefers to chose people of the same race because they have the same features. If you dont have that...
  12. W

    everyone ready for ext jap speaking?

    They have no clock, so its good to take in a stop watch with you. 3 minutes is the upper limit of what they will listen to, you'll probably speek faster tomorrow so you dont have much to worry about. Tip = Have 10 points written down then chose 6-8 of them depending on how much time you have...
  13. W

    The Examiners Come To Town

    24th-25th for my school... I honestly have no time this week to practise drama... i have a trial everyday except thursday, when im going to be practicing for ext jap speaking. Happy happy joy joy :)
  14. W

    how'd everyone go in speakin???

    I did ok i guess... not overly good, but not overly bad. I got asked 2 questions i didnt like... One was about school rules in japan... I hate the entire school rules topic so i manage to block it out of my mind, and i cant remember what the rules in japan were anyway. The other question...
  15. W

    Nihongo de 日本語で

  16. W

    Speaking Exam

    Different markers mark differently... some go on the level of language you use, some go on how well you can keep the conversation flowing. Ideally you would be able to please both sorts of markers... but really, you just gotta do what you can and hope you get a good marker.
  17. W

    Speaking Exam

    Yeah... really confident :rolleyes: I just dont see the point in worrying about it. As with everything i do, i do it to the best of my ability. If i go crap, i dont care. I did what I could. Basically i dont see any point in bringing myself down other than because I didnt try my best. I...
  18. W

    is majority of students in ur class girls?

    I dont think you can necessarily say that girls are better at languages and guys are better at maths... everybodys good at different things. Im a guy, and im good at languages, but im not good at maths. My opinion is that girls generally have a better work ethic and are willing to put in...
  19. W

    Speaking Exam

    You divy up your time so its like 5 minutes preparation time for each question. If you are a freak and can write notes and practice it in that 10 minutes, by all means go ahead...
  20. W

    Speaking Exam

    Write out the script of something you would say, and time how long it takes you to say it. that way you know how many sentences you can fit into two minutes.