Exsqueeze me? Do you actually know about society from 2000 years ago? Or do you just assume that since they didnt have the conveniences that we have that they obviously must have been inferior?
Read through the Psalms and the Proverbs and you will no doubt find somethings that are still very...
Notice how not gossiping wasnt the only reason i gave for not talking. And I know men are just as bad at gossiping. Elsewhere all Christians are told to rid themselves of slander (gossiping) and not to be busy bodies.
If men are prone to gossiping they should not speak at all. Like the saying...
I believe it is possible to know God's intentions. Unlike other religions, Christians are not left on their own to discover the will of God. We are given the Holy Spirit as a deposit guarenteeing our inheritance of eternal life.
This means that God himself makes his home in us. The bible says...
I tried to explain it earlier, but i don't think i did it too well. Jesus came from God to fulfil the Law. Not to make the Law obsolete (although he kind of did) but to show what it really meant.
God gave his people all these laws to follow, but his point behind giving them was not to say...
Hehe... asking why christians havent come online to argue on Christmas Eve ;)
Mating two different kinds of animals and planting two kinds of seed in a field are things i dont think you'll find christians doing (you might though). The clothing i'm wearing right now = Cotton AND polyesther :o...
I don't like saying I belong to a denomination... I'm just a christian! No separation needed.
But if you must know I go to an Anglican church (hence my large amount of head knowledge about God). But knowing God rather than knowing of God is not what saves. :)
Because blood symbolises life. If you have no blood in you, you have no life in you. When Cain killed Able in Genesis... God said that Ables blood was crying out to him. This was showing the seriousness of spilling the blood of an innocent. It cries out to God and he seeks retribution.
I never said that! If I did, it WOULD be a load tripe! I absolutely suck and I will never deny that! If I do, I give you permission to shoot me!
My claim is that not one single person is good enough for God. Judged against the standards of everyone else, you might be a good enough person. BUT...
Jesus was fully God and fully man. As such, he was a man FULL of the Holy Spirit. So each person that has recieved the Holy Spirit has been made like Jesus. It is through the Holy Spirit present in other christians that Christ is manifested. We are his body, and as such he can clearly be seen in...
Not really... i don't "need" to read the bible to be introduced to Jesus... but it's because I have met him that i read the bible in order to learn more about how he calls me to live.
Ah I get you... i'll use a little analogy to explain that if i can...
I am like a light bulb, and God himself is the light. It would be stupid if the lightbulb was so thick that the light could not shine out of it and thus defeating its purpose. The glass of a lightbulp is very thin so the...
I don't quite understand sorry... are you asking me whether I had a religion other than Christianity and then changed over?
If that is the meaning... No. I was not always a Christian, but I never had another "religion". Basically, there is only two stand points you can have in relation to...
Everything is permissable... but not everything is beneficial ;) I hardly think me speaking to you (or even making a decision) under the influence of any type of plant or chemical is beneficial ;)
No... it is not just some feeling i get from reading a book that causes me to believe in God...
What if you were an alien, and you knew that the other aliens were coming back to take you, and all those who believed you, "home" one day. If you knew that people would never be able to go where you are going unless you told them how to get there... Would you not tell everybody whether they...
Hell is not so much the picture of fire and brimstone that people think. Hell itself is the absence of God.
The punishment for those who do not accept God as their God is an eternity without him. You may think that's not so bad because you live without God now.
BUT... right now you are...
You misunderstand... God is not just some guy who "These people grew up in a community where they knew about me so they automatically get to Heaven."
He is just and right. He judges people based on what they know about him. If I was born out in deepest darkest africa where there was noone to...
I believe Jesus is the only way to the Father. I believe this because I believe what he said... This is an example from Luke 13:22-30
I believe that there is only ONE way to God, and yes that does limit your options. Very people who are looking for God will actually find him. Anyone trying...
I'll answer you first because you asked a good question :)
There is an awesome Christian pastor from the U.S. called John Piper who is very into this idea called Christian Hedonism (hedonism meaning living for pleasure, so christian hedonism is find our pleasure in the pleasure of God)...
While I'm preparing my anti-thesis to moonlights anithesis, i thought I'd respond to what's going on here already.
I wouldn't go so far as to say the person is idiotic. Ignorant is more what i'm thinking.
Is it fair to say that because I've never been to China and experienced being there...
There's no proof to whether the devil (or anything spiritual) exists, but i'll try to explain a little bit about Satan if you can believe that there is a spiritual world.
First off, you have God. God can quite happily live on his own because he is perfect, and perfect love abides in him. But...