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  1. B

    Oxidation & Reduction

    This also means that Pb is the oxidant and C is the reductant. But who cares, enjoy yr11.
  2. B

    Oxidation & Reduction

    What are you asking exactly? which is oxidising and which isnt. In this case, you look at oxidation states, where oxygen always has an oxidation state of 2- except in peroxides. Therefore, Pb must have a state of 2+ in PbO as its a neutral compound. On the products side, Pb is neutral with an...
  3. B

    Attention all Year 10ers

    whatever. im not telling them to work their arses off but the kids on this site are the 'smarter' ones anyway, the ones who wanna go well. your tone comes across as 'don't try kids' and its annoying for them. they all know and have been told from: a)yr eleveners b)yr twelvers c)teachers...
  4. B


    Im not sure about all of these as they are a little different to the ones you'll get in your average 2U exam. $Im not so sure about the 1st one but here you go$\\ \int xe^{3x^{2}}\qquad = \qquad \frac{1}{6x}xe^{3x^{2}}+c\\ \\ $Second one$\\ \int \frac{4x^{2}}{x^{3}-1} \qquad = \qquad...
  5. B

    First year at uni and hate it!

    wow. im fucking suprised. im in yr 12 and the only thing getting me through this year is the thought of the relaxation of the four uni years to follow. AND YOU ALL HATE IT. fml. life will be long.
  6. B

    Attention all Year 10ers

    let them be. year 10 SC is like the biggest set of exams these kids have ever done. yes, they are pointless but let them learn that. i remember how frustrated i got when people told me to 'not try' in 08'. yes, they will all grow up and realise that its pointless, but it is one of those things...
  7. B

    Year 11 - should i drop to general

    bio is needed so good choice there. other than that, you need a 96 or so atar isnt it? so look at the subjects that will get you that. dont drop to general maths too, thats just sad.
  8. B

    Can anyone help me with this ?

    \left |x^{2}+3x \right | = x^{2}+6x+4\\ either;\\ x^{2}+3x=x^{2}+6x+4 \qquad or \qquad -x^{2}-3x=x^{2}+6x+4\\ -3x=4 \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad2x^{2}+9x+4=0\\ x=-\frac{4}{3} \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad x=-\frac{1}{2}\, and\, x=-4\\ check; \\...
  9. B

    Can anyone help me with this ?

    \left |x^{2}+1 \right |=17\\ \\ either;\qquad x^{2}+1 =17 \qquad or\qquad -x^{2}-1=17\\ \\ \therefore x^{2}=16\\ x=\pm 4\\ check;\\ x=4\, correct\\ x=-4\, correct\\ $Therefore, answers are 4 and -4$
  10. B

    multiple choice questions

    can you explain your answers? epsecially 1. i dont get dilution.
  11. B

    multiple choice questions

    please help. 1. A student diluted a solution of an acid by mixing 10 mL with 90 mL of water. If the original solution had a pH of 2.1, what will the final pH of the solution be? (A) 1.1 (B) 2.1 (C) 3.1 (D) 4.1 2. Consider the equilibrium reaction: C6H5COOH (aq) + H2O (l)---> C6H5COO-(aq) +...
  12. B

    resisting g forces

    Ok Thanks. Anyone else know?
  13. B

    resisting g forces

    The CSSA solutions say (C). But i think this is a mistake. Can anyone justify (C)? Otherwise, I think they are wrong and their notorious for it.
  14. B

    resisting g forces

    MC question. Astronauts are more easily able to cope with an application of g-forces which results in the eyeballs undergoing relative motion towards the body rather than away from it. Which of the following combination of astronaut positions are most desirable to achieve this effect? (A)...
  15. B

    chem calculation question!

    Thanks so much for your time. Your (a) and (b) were correct however your (c) wasnt according to my teacher. You firstly deduce that 1000kg CaCO3 is 10000 mol. Then we can deduce that 10,000 x 180 = 1,800,000 kJ is required. Therefore, 1800 mol is required for natural gas. Therefore, 44,622L...
  16. B

    chem calculation question!

    does anyone have 2009 independent solutions? Q.20 HELP (a), (b) & (c). 'One suggested measure to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is to construct 'artificial trees' in which air passes through slats wet with dilute sodium hydroxide solution. The descending solution of sodium...
  17. B

    few q's.

    wow. thanks heaps for these elaborate answers. b) is correct however the answer to a) is Actinium -227. do you think this is wrong?
  18. B

    few q's.

    a) name the isotope that undergoes beta decay to form thorium - 227. b) the molar heat of combustion of ethanol is 1367 kJ mol-1. what mass of ethanol is required to heat 1 mole of water by 10 degrees?
  19. B

    2009 Raw marks.

    these are chemistry exams. thanks anyway - lol.
  20. B

    2009 Raw marks.

    wow, congrats at history extension. ancient is the much easier history or so ive heard so maybe no aligning occurs the higher you get - perhaps cem who is a judge (for modern) can give her insights. like 90 in a science would go to high 90' for it to not go up at all is pretty devo. i...