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  1. B

    CSSA vs Independent Trials

    i think so too. cssa questions are more specific and sometimes abstract. very different to independent and the actual hsc. so if your school is setting cssa trials, practice!
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    Which subject should I drop?

    only you can choose. by the sounds of it i think you've already made up your mind.
  3. B

    still possible to get above 99?

    always have hope but unlikely. the whole 10 unit thing isnt favourable to ya either. but if you work your ass off, who knows. my advice would be lower your aim. its easier than going better, lol.
  4. B

    Whats the thing you'll miss most next year?

    nothing. i hate school. its the shittest thing ever. i guess, seeing freinds everyday. but thats it. this has to be the nerdiest forum if your all gonna miss your teachers. its their job to be committed.
  5. B

    Teach myself Chemistry?

    could be worse though.
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    85ish but its impossible to tell.
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    HSC Timetable 2010

    you have a gap between eco and physics.
  8. B

    Stupid Exam Timetable..

    agreed with the whole 'get over' it mentality but why are 09'ers and 08'ers even in this thread. get a life you losers.
  9. B

    How do you deal with disappointment?

    the mindset i adapt is: "what is done is done. so your time will be better spent not worrying/stressing than dwelling over it!" just focus on your next english assessment and make sure you nail it.
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    HSC Timetable 2010

    btw, this is the cssa trial timetable: :)
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    HSC Timetable 2010

    i do chembiophy. kill me! how unfair. 15000 kids do bio so usually it is earlier as it takes longer to mark but this year its not. wtf!
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    HSC Timetable 2010

    hope for no doubles everyone!!!!!!!
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    Chemistry help !

    I would firstly define an ionic substance then relate it to HCl (aq). E.g. Ionic substances are characterized by a three-dimensional arrangement of catioins and anions. HCl (aq) dissociates into H+ (cation) and Cl- (anion) and hence ionises. Then define covalent substances and relate it to HCl...
  14. B

    Attention all Year 10ers

    maybe this is just your school. as last year in the hsc, we were not allowed to go at all. people wanted out halfway through and were forcefully yelled at. is their a policy i can shove in their faces this year??? like are these actual BOS rules?
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    teacher mixes up assessment marks

    LMFAO. funniest thing ive heard all day. :spin:
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    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    how many bio, phys, chem classes does ruse have? are sciences compulsory?
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    i think i cocked up my subjects

    what do engineers exactly do? the term is so broad nowadays i get confused.
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    English Studies?

    no. (a) coz its weird (b) you may as well attempt standard! stupid.
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    multiple chioce question

    Yes, someone elaborate on this train of thought. Cause, if you read the questioin it says "produces" not "what reacts"
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    multiple chioce question

    A chemist observed a colour change after adding bromine water, Br2(aq), to an unknown hydrocarbon. Which one of the following substances could she have produced in this reaction? (A) pentane (B) 2-pentene (C) 2,3-dibromopentane (D) 1,3-dibromopentane Answers say (c). Why? I would think only...