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  1. B

    Thoughts on Bio exam??

    this dotpoint: "describe the differences in distribution, structure and function of the photoreceptor cells in the human eye" is concerning the differences explicitly between rods and cones. not the difference between cones themselves in relation to their location. so no, this dotpoint does not...
  2. B

    physics paper thoughts if anyone remembers. mc - easy core - absolute and complete utter bullshit option - easy
  3. B

    Thoughts on Bio exam??

    ok dude. keep telling yaself that
  4. B

    Thoughts on Bio exam??

    im with you completley. the cones structure is not on the syllabus nor does the q make sense thus not allowing any student to logically deduce an answer. as for the action potential one - it was more about the cerebrum and knowing that the visual cortex and auditory cortex are two localities...
  5. B

    Thoughts on Bio exam??

    here is exam link:
  6. B

    Thoughts on Bio exam??

    a person can sing a high pitch sound or a low pitch sound. draw two labelled diagrams of the larynx in each of these states. something like that. you had to draw a vagina looking thing (representing larynx) where the vocal cords are relaxed then taut. why do you ask this questions specifically...
  7. B

    Hsc + trials weighting

    ur confused dude. lets use say business studies as an example. throughout the year, your school creates lets say 5 assessments/exams to give you an assessment mark for the business studies course. e.g. 10% oral presentation 20% half yearly 15% report 15% essay 40% trial. these assessments give...
  8. B

    How do we request raw marks?

    they could just reject the whole application coz they could argue the results dont exist (fully as complete data) yet. then you would have to pay another 30 dollars. but meh.
  9. B

    Thoughts on Bio exam??

    mixed opinions. actually they asked about action potentials last yr too. to me there was too much drawing involved. like the larynx thing and the xylem longitudinal thing. communication was v.diff but manageable. i hated the 7 marks on analysing the sources (i feel this is a waste of content...
  10. B

    Multiple choice answers? b d d b d d c a a a c a d a b c c c b a
  11. B

    teachers see hsc marks shiiitttt. majorr fuck up.
  12. B

    What the hell is going on?

    this site is derelict. so wierd to see all the exam thoughts forum empty.
  13. B

    biology kiss books

    thats ok. surely someone does though. i find them great revision notes. yes, they are not completley comprehensive but they are perfect for some topics where you are completeley lost. thats why i need search for better health...haha.
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    biology kiss books

    no, i was under the interpretation that they had pdf's as well as the hard copies.
  15. B

    Help bio assignment

    hey guys. this probably wont help but may be able to guide your response. this is like an 8 mark part of my yr 11 assignment on bicentenial park which i got 8 for. Discussion of Human Impact There are several ways in which humans have impacted on the local ecosystem through waste...
  16. B

    biology kiss books

    well can you upload them or just tease us?...
  17. B

    biology kiss books

    :) i love you. lol.
  18. B

    biology kiss books

    lol. dam. anyone else have em'???????????????????????
  19. B

    biology kiss books

    does anyone know where i could find the keep it simple science notes for biology? thankyou. :wave:
  20. B

    When do you work best?

    anytime but the middle of the day ironically. 5pm - 8pm im dead!