Does anyone have anything on the related text, "Media" by John Butler Trio - such as techniques, ideas etc?
I have done a bit of work to gain some ideas of what to write about for this text, but would like some other opinions. Thanks.
I dont - cant afford it.
If I did though, probably:
Unfortunately, international shipping doubles the price in most cases though! :( That's what makes it too expensive.
I'm not happy.... because you are talking shit. Your comment makes the process and sport of bodybuilding seem simplistic and easy - of which it is not. If all you had to do was 'drink protein [shakes] + exercise' everyone would be successful.
It is a brief oral presentation which supplements the main part of the assessment (the essay). The only reason it even exists is because we have to do at least oral task for the HSC. Look at the marking criteria and make sure those couple of things are addressed.
Remember, it is meant to...
How much tuna do you eat? Eating in excess of 3 cans per week is bad for your health. This is unfortunate though, because it so cheap and protein dense!! Salmon is just as good, and can be eaten more regularly than tuna. I eat salmon everyday, and tuna 3 days p/week.
There are many different varieties and thus, it will depend on the specific type you purchase, although in general Maxs is of high quality, as is Horleys.
Will do...
Does anyone have any common law decisions for each of the 4 concerns, i.e. marketing and advertising; licensing; contracts; and credit??
I have plenty of case law, but no actual common law decision which set precedents!
I use fitday also. However, I "create custom food" for everything, because I dont find the foods I eat to be equivalent in nutritional info. on fitday. Therefore I create all my own foods, using to gain the appropriate nutritional info.
From fitday
And no speedy, I'm...
Nah, no fat gains. Although, I put some of this to the fact I am quite ectomorphic. Makes it difficult to bulk, and much foods needs to be consumed for any gains, but it does mean I rarely gain any fat. In saying this, I still bulk very cleanly!!