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  1. ~shinigami~

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    I think you have misread my post or taken that quote out of context because your post is implying excatly what my sentiment is which is that, changing the entry scores will not alleviate any problem currently with the system at all.
  2. ~shinigami~

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    That is a good point but the thing is these "not-so-clever" people are already in these courses already and since we can fund these places right now, I don't see a problem. What I mean is, some people are proposing to artificially raise the entry score so that it will either attract more...
  3. ~shinigami~

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    I see where you're getting at and I think we almost on the same train of thought but not precisely yet. What I am trying to say is that I agree that the state of education courses may be substandard at the moment. That is what we need to fix. The yr12 entry score is determined by supply...
  4. ~shinigami~

    CPA or Big 4

    Also, roughly, how do the two qualification paths differ?
  5. ~shinigami~

    Mechatronics Engineering (Space)

    Cool, I was just curious coz I don't know much about law. I've never really been into that side of things. Good to see you have a plan. :)
  6. ~shinigami~

    Mechatronics Engineering (Space)

    Why do you want the LLB?
  7. ~shinigami~

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    I don't disagree with that but what I do disagree with is these people taking ENTER into account, it just does not come into this debate on the quality of education courses at all.
  8. ~shinigami~

    Commerce UAI

    Most Asians I've seen are pushed to do Med. EDIT: Yeah and sucked in to those people who don't make their own choices. My parents wanted me to do Med. :D
  9. ~shinigami~

    Getting into MED - HELP!!!

    You might want to consider giving medstudentsonline a go as you might get a faster answer. Covering both bases (MSO and BOS). ;)
  10. ~shinigami~

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    What I think some of these people are forgetting is that if these people with "low" ENTERs/UAI/TER are able to graduate from BEd, Bwhateve/DipEd etc then they are good enough as they meet the standards. Their year 12 score means absolutely nothing. If they are not good enough then they would...
  11. ~shinigami~

    Pathways and UMAT

    Hello siddharth, I'm not 100% sure but UMAT is definitely not limited to yr12s only as you can do it while you are in university but what I don't know is if you can do it if you are not in Yr12 yet which you seem to be in already so it doesn't matter. To make sure, why not call up ACER? EDIT...
  12. ~shinigami~

    Am I the only who finds the HSC...

    You're a comedic genius.
  13. ~shinigami~

    Am I the only who finds the HSC...

    What's with all the 08'ers posting "+1" lately? :confused:
  14. ~shinigami~

    Mobile Application for UNSW

    Good luck mate, sounds like a great idea. I know I wish there was something like that available at my university. :)
  15. ~shinigami~

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    I have found that it is almost impossible not to fall asleep unless two things are present. An interesting topic or an interesting/hot lecturer/tutor.
  16. ~shinigami~

    UNSW - Psych

    Ahahaha, oh man. Thanks for the explanation. :)
  17. ~shinigami~

    Business career

    More info? please? :)
  18. ~shinigami~


    True. I just used their guide and my own common sense. I got two interviews and two offers. No need to spend $$$ on interview prep.