Every assessment you take has a weighting - whether it be 5%, 20% or even 40%.
Your marks in these assessments are used to calculate your course mark.
Your ranks are determined by arranging the course marks of each student in a subject from highest to lowest (first to last).
Not enough. The past 2-3 weeks, mainly no study with the occasional 2 hour session study out of guilt lol.
Half-yearly examinations were a nice segue in to the holiday mode..
At maximum height, i.e. the point at which it's not moving up or down (kind of like the maximum turning point of a parabola), the vertical velocity is 0 (Vy = 0).
Write out combustion equations for each of them.
Divide the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced by the kJ liberated per mole combusted.
Arrange in increasing order.
A - 90-100%
B - 80-90%
C - 70-80%
.. and so on.
Ranking system starts the moment you do you first weighted assessment.
Your year 11 marks don't go to anything in year 12. It's a fresh start.