I looked up women's suffrage last night, just in case...that was lucky :P
The Geo was a bit harder I reckon...I stuffed up the advantages of links question since I didn't read it proplerly and was blabbing on about the wars Australia was involved in until I realized my mistake, by then I only...
Yes, just in case I get really thirsty, since it's pretty hot and in the hall we have no fans, no aircons. Nothing. But 90% of the time I am too occupied with the exam to think about being thirsty...
For me that's too true. I wrote precipitation instead of hydrosphere, K2HO instead of KHO for potassium hydroxide (I had KHO before but decided to change it for some stupid reason), and 'scattered matter e.g hydrogen' for what the dots represented on the balloon question....so that's three marks...
Sorry...can someone please explain how it's the expanding universe theory?? They were saying the teacher demonstrated a theory about the origin of the universe, while the expanding theory is a theory about the future of the universe, not about how it originated.
Edit: yesss it IS the big bang...
Some of the questions were pretty hard. Overall the test was ok but if I had to choose the hardest part, it would be the multiple choice...
Like someone asked in the science thread...what do you think you guys got (best and worst case scenario)?
I don't recall the exact thing it said but I don't see how he got 'five thousand' is wrong...I mean the context it's in made it clear enough that they were talking about money...
Yeh, it was the obvious choice. I wrote about a queen who was awaiting a death sentence and she was just reflecting on her life (it was set in the 1500's and a true story...well the emotions and that were made up so it would count as creative writing I think, I did historical settings for my...