robyn7 said:
yeah for sure try it out i mean you only live once you should try everything once..

And while we're at it, why dont you try... jumping at a car/train once in your life. might be the only time you do it, but hey, try everything once. idiot.
now, on a less angry tone;
to be honest, I dont drink or do drugs... i dont even drink coffee. sure, say that i am in "a bubble", but i dont care, because i am happy with the fact that i know that im not going to ever be in a scenario where my taking of an unknown substance may impact on another person's life.
I'm not going to stumble drunk in front of a car
I'm not going to jeopradise my forensic/medical science career because I'm charged with drug possession/use/selling
I'm not going to to force my family to sit through hours of therapy beacuse they might not be able to cope with my death,
nor will anybody elses family to have to cope with me causing someone elses death whilst im high on drugs and feeling homicidal.
I also don't understand why everyone is simply discussing the implications of the drugs on themselves...
what about the wider community? What about the other poor people who may die from an overdose or be put in prison simply because you have funded a drug dealer to continue producing and selling their drugs? does anybody remember Anna Wood?
People funded a drug dealer, through their drug using actions, to sell the drugs which killed her. A life, wasted.
or what about the person who then kills someone or maims someone beacuse their batch has sent them into a craze??
and 95+ UAI? good for you little miss insular. that ranking wont help you get past the potential trauma of causing somebody elses death...
drugs (legal and illegal) don't just impact on the bodys functions - they attack the community - just look at mexico [out of context to some extent, but it shows how innocent people are being killed because of drugs]
And violence? no one can refute the danger which can be found around pubs in the early morning.
And if you want to "confront your own mortality", go white water rafting, swim with sharks or bungee jumping. either way, you play with your life, and you dont have that hangover afterwards
Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Drugs will impact on you differently every single time you use them, especially the illegal ones, as there in no way to ensure quality control of whatever you are using.
people say that they have limits? yes they do
but you will never know if that could be breached by whatever you're taking... maybe your body can cope with .5% ground up glass, or maybe that glass can destroy your metabolism. and then you are dead. or vegetative. your life will be "fun" as you watch people's lives blossom from your little seat in prison. chemical sensitivity can be a killer, and for all you know, that one obscure chemical in the world which may trigger anaphalaxis may be found in whatever your taking.
Whoever said it was okay to spike other peoples drinks [even as a jest]. You are an idiot. that is a criminal offence, and peoples lives are destroyed and/or severely damaged because of drink spiking. you are a grave insult to their memories and lives with that callous statement.
Also, in regard to human stupidity, [Whoever that was too] you have a strong point; being scared of the incriminating consequences kills people. but it is still no excuse - the circumstance was generated by the taking of the drugs, not the foolish actions afterwards
short of the one or two major provokative sentences aimed at a few people, I am not asking to be attacked, but arguments have been presented, or not presented (in relation to society), and I have merely given my opinion in an attempt to dissuade from the use of illicit drugs...
and the legal drugs? still be careful.
either way, keep safe.