Graney said:
Very few young people drink at what would medically be considered a safe level. And then you have the issue that a social activities related to drinking i.e. going to the pub, clubs, is putting you at a hugely increased risk of violence.
You shouldn't be advocating alcohol as so much safer than illicit drugs. It's promoting ignorance of the risks involved.
There's been a great many studies done on marijuana, and it's been around for a long time and widely used. It's hardly a completely unknown factor.
There is little doubt there is almost no harm from a reasonable, pure dose of mdma.
Could it be that the risks associated with alcohol are better and easier proven, because there are much greater, clearer harms involved?
Are we all really, accurately aware of the risks? How many people are really aware of the increased risk of bowel cancer? How many really care? Do you really act in a rational way when addressing risk.
A night out on the turps is probablly the riskiest thing you'll ever do.
Firstly- I wasn't "advocating" alcohol. I was having a laugh in the first place when I said that alcohol was fine. I also said for ME. I didn't say everyone else go out and get sloshed out of their minds etc. I personally know the risks, and that is fine with me. If others don't then they should pay more attention in year 10 PD
I get that alcohol is a big problem... but I'm pretty sure that this board was started to discuss drugs that are a bit 'harder' (or thought so anyway) than alcohol.
Perhaps the risks are more understandable
And perhaps it is because the risks for drugs have not been studied as clearly.
That isn't the point. The point is, that, the dicussion at the moment has been mainly about weed. And weed may have terrible effects no matter how small the amount of it is that you take.
The risks for alcohol are possibly going to be clearer because of practically unrestricted access to it and the ease with which people binge drink.
OF COURSE there are terrible risks associated... but that doesn't detract from the risks associated to weed and so forth.
Rationality should be based on combined thought of:
The risks
- So essentially, if I know the factors then I feel like I am far more well-equipped to use, than if (like with weed) I am left out in the open without knowing anything other than the "moment"
We are also exposed to alcohol far more frequently at younger ages, increasing tolerance and such. If this is the first time another substance is in our system, then there is likely to be more of a problem.
Yes, PURE Mdma... but I was making people aware of the risks associated with these drugs. Many aren't going to go up there with a "drug testing kit" and a known dealer. Most people don't even have a clue about that sort of thing. The point is, that E can be mixed with a whole mishmash of other things. That is worrying.
Marijuana has been used for many years certainly, but only with recent technologies and studies have these issues been coming to light. It isn't going to occur with a majority anyway... but does that make it right to take it?
I'd say running under a bus is the riskiest thing you might ever do
