The official edutest tests were extremely useless. Cause they are really easy in comparison to what is given in the test. Its also extremely misleading. You can lose like 2 marks in the edutests practice tests, and this is not a good indicator by any means to what will happen in the real test. This is generally a very honest opinion as someone who sat the tests last year and made all the top 3 schools: baulko, nsb, ruse (which all do edutest). SAVE YOUR MONEY.
So what I would recommend for anyone sitting edutest:
The test is heavily a game of speed and not knowledge and skill. The "skill" is being able to identify the pattern, formula, or whatever related to the question and quickly answering it. Nothing should make you sit there and just ponder for 1 min, the questions aren't designed for that. If you find yourself pondering, just skip and come back.
An important thing I learnt, although it sounds inherently trivial, is that EVERY QUESTION IS WORTH THE SAME. No matter how hard they are they are worth the EXACT same. One Mark. So if you skip a question sure you may drop that "one mark" but in return you gain 5 marks of easier questions later on because you skipped it and sacrificed that mark. I hope that's clear enough. So don't feel bad or worried cause you skipped a question.
If you want a general marker of what to expect. The numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning last year was pretty cooked. in the sense that speed was not in your favour. but I vividly recall being totally unsure about the last 10 questions because of time. I was like many others and didn't realise how important speed was. the questions weren't inherently "hard" I just pondered too long on different questions and didn't understand that "one mark" concept. And then albeit those 10, we can safely assume I may have dropped AT LEAST 5 in the rest of the paper just from general mistakes.
while this was a year ago, that's legit a 45/60 (maybe on the lower end and a bit lenient), that still got me a superior (highest band). The tests are pretty cooked regardless of how good you may be. I think if I approached it different I would've scored much better, but that's in the past and it's calm. BUT DONT BE LIKE ME
Anyways, yuh the notesedu has some pretty good resources, victorian selective school tests, there is a TSS vocabulary sheet for anyone looking to improve vocab and that stuff. Generally just search in google "Selective school Victoria Questions" or "Edutest Practice". Legit do HAST practice or ACER test practice it doesn't matter. The questions may vary but the concepts are the same.
And then for those worrying about the test. don't.
It's really not that big of a decision factor. The test is more of a "barrier of entry". It just "separates" the applicants to make applications easier to review. I mean a school reviewing 500 applications is tedious. But the test can basically categorise the top "some number" and then "prioritise" those applications. This number is still pretty big. BUT DON'T BE DECEIVED. You still have to perform well. But don't think there are "10 spots", I must come top 10 or something. No, it's legit just a precursor to your application. It allows the school to dwindle down the number of applications they have to look at. So just perform relatively good and let your application speak for itself.
Obviously on the other end of the spectrum, you can look to perform EXCEPTIONAL in the test and stand as an outlier to the school. but if you can do that, props to you, I have nothing to say. have fun at ruse cuh.
aight that's enough yapping. good luck guys