Oh ok. So that's one. Where are the "many other ways"?
There is so much pressure to make the most of the "incredible opportunity and talent I have" (i.e. Getting a 99.90 ATAR). Not a day goes by without someone asking what I'm going to be doing (and I reply with maths) and their jaw drops and they exclaim "DO MEDICINE! DO DENTISTRY! BECOME A SURGEON! Anything medically related dammit! You should make the most of the tremendous opportunity you have."
All my family+friends (they aren't asian btw) hold the mentality that "if you can do medicine and get high marks, then DO IT". They see it as a privilege to study something that leads to a high paying and secure career, and would look down upon a maths degree as a waste of talent and hard work and label it as a blown opportunity that most people dont ever get in their lives.
if your heart is not in it PLEASE DONT DO IT
It is honestly one of the most taxing things you can do; physically and mentally/emotionally
I know so many people across the country either studying med now or recently graduated that have had their lives completely destroyed by doctors and the way medical schools are run
If your heart isn't in it 100% and you could see yourself doing something/ANYTHING else, then don't do it
It's not worth it
But if, like me, you couldn't even consider doing anything else
You need to learn to suck it up until you're old enough to change the system
(But by then I'm sure I'll be inside my own asshole or have completely given up on changing anything; like all the doctors I know now ^.^ )