Survivor of the HSC
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If you're looking to get tutored for maths, I suggest you start looking now. Maths is one of those subjects where you need a really strong foundation, in order do well. 30% of prelim maths comes up in HSC, so it is crucial you get your foundations solid. These holidays are a good time to go through the first couple of topics for year 11, so you have a head start and can pretty much use that time as revision.HeyThanks for your extremely detailed response xD
The subjects I'm planning on doing are:
English Advanced (compulsory)
English Extension 1 (Compulsory)
Maths Ext 1
Modern History
Visual arts
I know I will definitely probably get tutored on in English, (since I think i pissed off my teacher enough in 2013 with all the extra essays haha) and also maths which isn't my strongest subject. I'm not sure on any of the other subjects, only because in terms of the sciences, I did fairly well on them this year without really trying, but I'm considering tutoring since apparently Year 11 makes everything tonnes harder and so I may need an further insight into it lol.
The trouble with thinking about tutoring is that I'm not sure if I need it XD As in, I've done progressively better over my junior years as just a result of studying 3 days before rather than on the day. With help of my family and friends, I'm getting better in time management. In terms of my stance within my school (NBSCMSC) I'm definately above the average, excelling in History, Geography and IST (only taking history next year xD though). My rank in science is above rank 20, and that to me seems OK for a subject I didn't even really try in. On the other hand, my parents and I fear that I'm just going to cruise through year 11, armed with the arrogance of a Year 10 who thinks she did OK, if I don't have the extra "push" given by tutors lol xD
I'm also concerned with tutoring in say VA. howwouldyoudoit?//shot
If I can ask a few questions - what do you do for tutoring in maths? I thought maths was generally a subject that was all practise, so what does the tutor do for an hour? o3o
Same for science. Can you (pretty please with sugar on top) tell me what science classes are kinda like? Is it like the school science classes? Do you get handed hand outs alot or like watch powerpoints? How does the tutor or tutoring college determine your strengths and weaknesses? Do they make you take a test every now and then or...?
Again thank you so much for your response) It's extremely helpful<3
Haha year 11 chem does the year 10 chem unit in like the first couple of weeks (from what I've heard, didn't pick chem in year 11). Some of my friends started chem tutor halfway through year 10 and were ahead of school by a couple of terms, so I guess they used class as a revision. If you feel as though your sciences are strong, don't bother with tutoring. Just study smart, but if you're struggling, consider getting a tutor. None of my friends who do bio get tutored for it, because they believe its a subject they can learn themselves. Up to you
You will discover a lot of your motivation is intrinsic. I was affected a little by external motivators, but much more so by internal ones. Set yourself goals that will make you motivated to do better. Tutors definitely give an extra "push", because there's the thing where you don't want to disappoint them and waste your parents money, etc., but find it in yourself to get that "push". I did really crappily in year 10 and wanted to better in year 11, so that was an intrinsic motivator for me
I do VA, and tutoring is not necessary. Just practice writing responses to your Section I, II and III and do some practice essays. Also learn how to use the art terminology. With your art skills, always practice! I didn't get tutored for VA and ended up getting a 99/100 for it, which is really ironic, because one my best subjects was the one I didn't get tutored for
Answering your questions:
Maths tutoring:
- tutor teaches us new content, goes through it super thoroughly.
- does examples with us
- helps us with questions
It's for 3 hours, and we also get homework, which in a sense, is our "practice"
I went to PEAK science, so my experience with science tutoring could potentially be different to someone who went to Matrix or Zhang's. It was 2 hours of pure learning about physics ( and my teacher would go through a powerpoint and explain everything to us. It is extremely thorough (and concise!) and much more intensive than school. In a good lesson, we could potentially cover 4-5 dot points, roughly the same amount as what school covered in a week or something. We got handouts each week, as part of our homework. We would also get sprung some quizzes to make sure we were consistently revising, and a topic test at the end of each topic. We were also made to do syllabus dot points for study notes and they were handed in the same day as our test
Hope that helps!