How do you know that you will need tutoring? Tutoring isn't a necessity for a high ATAR. If you put in the effort and get good marks, then you won't need tutoring.
I don't know I need tutoring, but I want to try it at least once because if it is a beneficial way for me to learn then I will keep going at it

Hence my question on when do people usually start to be tutored. I want to put in the maximum amount of effort I can so even if I don't get the marks, I won't be dissapointed. Trying out tutoring is one of those things that I want to do, so I won't regret later on.
But OP hasn't even started prelims, and I think she has the misconception that tutoring is required for a high ATAR, when independent study is more than adequate to gain a high ATAR. Either that, or OP has a lack of confidence in her ability to do well in the subjects she has picked, in which case I would seriously recommend rethinking subject selections.
I don't have the misconception that tutoring is required for a high ATAR ;-; Learning style differs from person to person, independent study may not always be more adequant to gain a high ATAR :O For some people, sure, but everyone's learning style differs. Again, I simply want to try out tutoring xD If it's the thing for me, I will continue. If i feel I will do better on my own, then I will quit.
I think any year 10 going into year 11 will have somewhat alack of confidence in their ability to do well in any subjects. Teachers (at least of mine and my twin's school) tend to emphasis on the amount of workload that is required in senior school. I can safely say that yes, I am not confident in my ability to do well, but I'm confident in my ability to try my hardest. Whether trying my hardest will give me good marks, or whether that will come with the realisation that I may need help from other individuals in certain subjects, is something that I want to see. Personally i think it's arrogant to assume that just because you did well in year 10, you'll do well in year 11.
Haha no but in all seriousness, tutoring is definitely not a necessity as others have pointed out. If you can study and learn by yourself, always try to do so. Only if you feel that you are really struggling to understand concepts and getting left behind in class and only after you have tried to get help from teachers, peers and other helpful people (eg. right here on BoS), should you even contemplate getting some paid help.
Note: this does not apply to english. English is a bitch.
lol nice xD;
That's why I'm wondering when I should start tutoring

Are your assumption of your strengths and weaknesses of year 10, valid for subjects in year 11? I agree with you in that if you can study and learn by yourself, it's best to do so, only because if you can do it yourself, then it's like a waste of resources - both your time and the tutor's time xD But then again, since year 11 is the start of prelims, I don't have the confidence that I will do well. I mean, all my teachers are saying that you need to study at least 4 hours every school day. I didn't even study 4 hours on the days near my exams this year - I can't possibly see <b> what </b> you can study for 4 hours every day. Hence tutoring aka the thing that gives you extra work by taking you further along the course.
lol english was nice, back in the days of primary ;-;