Sounds like pretty cool ideas people.
Mines a character-driven plot, so I've begun writing it in First person, but because im trying to experiement, and because of the charcateristics of my protagonist (a 'disturbed' homosexual student) the writing swicthes style often. Most of the time, it is in first, then other times its in third, and there are some sections that it is writen in second. I find it makes it difficult for the audience to connect with, promoting the protagonists POV.
The storyline is quite 'irrelevant' that is, the physical journey *shivers* could be changed several ways and yet the story is unaffected. Bascially, the protagonist is already different. He is numb to the world and quite 'inverse' that is, for example, he likes rainy days, enjoys watching people suffer and fight etc. Then he kills another student.
Why? What are the concequences??
Seems like there are none. But through the change that occurs in the character, Im going to try and justify his actions via who he is, and what has made him so.
Anyone read books by Dennis Cooper? Much like his writing (he rockS!)
Laters poeple, and good luck!