iambored said:
lol yeah wtf, how did your name get there??
Sorry, my bad. When you quote multiple threads you have to cut and paste it all yourself.
iambored said:
if ma gets in how is that going to be different from if your people get in? we don't hear much about musc.
Wow. How can I explain this.
Basically, Victor and friends have held all offices for the past two years. That's SAM, MUSC, University Council and one of two positions on Academic Senate. In that time they've done nothing for students. I mean jack fucking all. Absolutely nada. You have no idea how angry I get thinking about what they've done. I'm literally shaking a bit as I type this, trying to get the words out.
What Victor and his gang does is they make all sorts of promises, campaign amongst their members, get into office and then sit there doing absolutely fuck all for the people that got them there, then wait another year and do it all again. They keep the status quo. They keep student representation silenced, and they're always looking out for their own self interest. "What looks good on my resume?" "What can I do to move up the political ladder."
This pisses me off. So unbelievably goddamn much.
I am an activist. I see something wrong, I want to fix it. I look at Macquarie and I see so much wrong. Everything at Mac is just so messed up. I look around and I see 28,000 students who don't seem to give a shit about anything. Apathy reigns supreme. The University becomes increasingly corporate, increasingly about making a profit and the bottom line. It's reflected everywhere. Everything seems to lead towards one thing - turning Macquarie into a degree mill, where you turn up, get your vocational qualification, leave straight into the workforce and never learn anything more than how to get a job. It sickens me.
I start talking to people, and find I'm not the only one. People don't like the fact that they're being used by people like Victor Ma. They don't like the fact that services are being cut, or that their HECS is being raised. They want to do something about it, but everyone thinks everyone else doesn't care. That's not true. What's missing is that catalyst, the people that will get the ball rolling. I see myself as one of those people. What we want is a complete turnaround on campus. We want those fat old bloated organisations that are so used to getting away with all their crap to be completely gutted and re-orientated to serving student needs. We want the students getting involved again. Our dream is for a campus where if someone tries to usurp power or rig elections, then 28,000 people kick up a stink, rather than 10 people trying to spread the word to everyone else.
Gah, feeling ranty!
Basically, if John and I got elected, things would be very different. You would DEFINATELY know you had an Academic Senate and University Council representative. You'd know what they did for you. You'd know when things were going wrong. You'd be recognised as the reason this University, and all these organisations existed. We want to drag the University kicking and screaming back into the hands of students. And we can't do that unless you (not directed at iambored, but at every student at Mac), and everyone you know on campus, stops wiping their hands of this mess and starts getting involved. When you say "I'm not going to vote, I don't know what this is about" you're selling yourself short, and allowing people like Victor to get away with it.