Not-That-Bright said:
No it's not, I gave you statistical reasons as to why it's not justified and you have provided no answer.
This is what you said, you said that this average 98 uai student will probably kill most, if not everyone in the course (I am going to assume that kill means beat by a great margin, or at least beat them) - this means you are claiming that this average 98 uai student, one student, will have the ability to beat most of / all of the 200 other students in the course. While I accept out of hand that your average 98 uai student will beat your average 90 uai student (so at least 50% of the students... if we accept that all uws law students have uai's of 90), we have to also accept that within a cohort of 200 90 uai students, given that we know there will be at least some deviation from their uai and their performance in uni.. there will probably be some at the fringes that will beat your average 90uai student.
Your average 98 uai student i'll assume will beat your average 90 uai student in uni, but if you have 200 90 uai students... is one of them going to perform better than a 98 uai student? What I am asking is if we took randomly 200 90 uai students would any of them beat an average 98 uai student at uni? Lets also realise that we do not know what the average uai of UWS law is, only what the lowest uai students have.
We need more information as to how much uni marks deviate from peoples uai's, and the difference between those with 98 and those with 90, but I think as we both accept there is some deviation that you are very unwise to tell someone with 98 that they will probably kill most, if not everybody in the course.
Your statistical reasoning consists of:
a) You conceed that AS A WHOLE, 98'ers will beat 90's, BUT
1)picking a random 98'er and saying that he/she will beat everyone/MOST people is wrong.
2) there is a greater possibilty of deviation from the average as the group of students with uai's lower than him is so much larger.
also, from your latest post, you have added:
3) Even though ALL 199 people in the cohort MAY have obtained 90's , there may still be SOME that could beat our thread maker.
4) We do not know exactly, how many people actually obtained a low 90, or a NEAR 98. (which is nearly the same as the second point).
My answers, or thoughts:
1) I do not agree, because:
2, 4) As I said before, the possibility of UWS students having a majority of near 98.00 UAIS for THIS year and many other years is near impossible. Why?
-) If they did, they would be throwing their arses to the universities near the city, not UWS. (The majority of them).
-) UWS has been stuffed with both internal and external problems, this fact has been exploited by the media too much for anyone not to know about.
-) "Western" has always been affiliated negatively.
-) Reputation
-) Perceptions of UAI=Course quality.
The above is by no means a bashing of UWS. These are cold, hard facts that, IMO, are simply undisputed. This does not mean that the threadmaker should leave UWS for someplace else. My original thought on the issue still stands.
With the above points, it is safe to assume that MOST people that attend UWS are by no means in the top half of the 90's. That already fulfills the criteria of beating MOST people.
3) Yep, overnight miracles? Even if SOME did, it wouldn't be the majority. MOST people would be killed is still justified as I pointed out many moons ago.
EDIT: I must admit that 2 or so years before I did the HSC, i remebered that UWS actually had 98+ cutoffs for law. The strong fluctuations in UAI have also contributed to the negativity.