Re: 回复: Re: UNSW Subject Reviews.
Forbidden. said:
Lecturer(s): 5/10 - I like how Vrcelj hands out lollies

but she talks a little too slowly and her acccent makes her a little harder to understand.
Lecturer(s): 6/10 - Moore is a slow talker but encourages discussions which is excellent, Turner is a good talker and highlights important keywords for us in the notes and van den Akker is alright
Turner is the best lecturer in the school, closely followed by the geotech (kurt and adrian) the other water guys (ron and bruce).
Subject review time (grouped, since all the courses have changed since i did them...)
1st year civil: Maths, physics, chemistry, basic mechanics, computing
This stuff seems hard when you do it. Half of it you will never touch again, the other half (concepts and basic methods) will be used so often that it will become second nature. The bad news is that if you can't do statics, you're boned for 2nd and 3rd years. Don't underestimate the powar of computing. Take a look at the programs in the lab comps, they can do your homework for you in pretty much every subject. Get good at cad or slope software or struc analysis or hydro modelling or matlab or systems modelling. Everyone will love you and beg for your assistance.
Industrial training:
12 weeks is mandatory and usually taken after 3rd year. Try to do 12 weeks after 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, with different employers in different areas. Pick up a 1-or-2-day-a-week job for 3rd & 4th years. You'll have HUGE advantage over everyone else if you can manage to do this.
Not nearly as hard as it looks if you just do all the practice questions out of H&K. Great lecturers help. KNOW YOUR STUFF beforehand and nasser will give you extra marks for answering questions in the lecture, I picked up 5 or 6 marks this way (although I suspect that he doesn't actually add them on at all...) Pick one geotech elective so you can go on the field trip in fourth year. DO IT. Career is hell - nobody can see what you do, nobody wants to pay for it and you only get credit for disasters. Try to get job at PSM.
Go buy HB2.2, or photocopy the entire thing. You need it. The new course has crap structure. Lecturers either cater for advanced students (steve and tinloi) or for the morons (zora + mario). It's not hard, everything you need for design is in HB2.2, everything you need for analysis can be easily copied off examples (open book exams). If you are a dull person or have poor english, this is the career for you. Aim to work at Arup.
Construction & Management
These courses are the easy option, guaranteed DNs for everyone, HDs if you aren't a moron. Boring lecture material - try to distract the lecturers, they're really interesting people. dCar likes talking about how stupid politicians and students are, steve likes talking about projects he's worked on (and is deceptively smart, liek genius level smart, but it doesn't show because the material is so easy).
Try and get work experience in construction before you decide on it as a career. I did - 60hr weeks, rural placement, dealing with bogan construction workers all day, not for me. Go for big companies, there's more variation in the projects to keep it interesting.
Dull. Easy option for honours. Aim for a design consultancy, road construction is the worst job in the world.
AWESOME (biased...)
Seriously, it's awesome. Hydraulics courses are easy, there's only liek 3 principles. Find a good tutor, copying off the board will get you nowhere. You must do the tutorials to not suck at this stuff. Water treatment course is crap. Hydrology with ashish and matt is fun, they have good notes. Coastal / beach is the best course ever. None of this is too easy, you have to teach yourself how to do the stuff, it's not spoonfed like in structures. Careers abound, try WRL for an awesome working environment or one of the big consultancies. Phd scholarhips everywhere.