Hmm, i'm bored so i'll do my other subjects:
Ease: 8/10 - really wishy-washy theory and just logical/boring general stuff. if you can bs* then you'll be fine.
Lecturer(s): 6/10 - is not highly entertaining. persisted to go (first sem of my first yr, felt bad if i didn't) until i couldn't stand it anymore.. that was about the 8th week. she basically repeated the textbook.
Interest: 6.5/10 - average... quite boring though. too theoretical.
Overall: 7/10
Ease: 4/10 - ummm.. yeah assessments were hell-hard, but that's cos we had caitlin ruddock and she wanted to kill us all ahhh *death* but other than that, reflecting upon it - it was okayish if you kept up with the workload and did your tute hw.
Lecturer(s): 5/10 - liked dianne, not andrew or caitlin - went too fast in my opinion.
Interest: 6/10 - it wasn't overly interesting, but it wasn't boring either.
Overall: 5.5/10
ECON1202 (QMA)
Ease: 9.5/10 - was fine except for the times when they have a lot of new/more difficult content in one lecture and they rush through it.
Lecturer(s): 10/10 - but this is because I had Simon Angus <3 - best lecturer to date - ever. he's gone off to monash apparently so

Interest: 9/10 - maths in a business context, what's not too like? lol and matrices were the bomb! however most people dislike matrices...
Overall: 9.5/10
ECON1203 (QMB)
Ease: 4.5/10 - content was very cold and distant, you have all these symbols and shizz - it's very fustrating. not a symbols type person, hated it so much.
Lecturer(s): 4/10 - experienced two... louis was the better of the two... he was actually interested in what he was teaching, however he has a bit of an accent so hard to understand and also the content is immensely boring.. John ablett on the other hand....... one of the crappiest lectures i've ever had. he even tried threatening us to keep us in after the lecture if everyone didn't "stop talking" -.-'
Interest: 1/10 - um hardly any at all for me.......
Overall: 2.5/10
Ease: 7/10 - if you did your readings and went to tutorials and understood the materials, it was fine-as. took some time to get used to the way legal works though.. it's a different type of thinking/learning in comparison to maths or etc.
Lecturer(s): 9/10 - bruce was magnifique - he was not only able to completely engage every single student but also knew his stuff and was very interesting.
2/10 - Janet however....................................................... i fell asleep in the front row by myself. lesson learnt. monotonous and complete regurgitation of txtbook.
Interest: 8/10 - ended up learning half the content myself due to janet's boring lectures and not going to them. the textbook is hard to read as there is so much and they go around and around in circles. but once you get used to it, it was extremely fascinating as you touch on so many aspects of law.
Overall: 7/10
Ease: 8/10 - again with accounting in general, if you do your readings, go to lectures and do your tute hw, it's completely fine and everything makes complete sense.
Lecturer(s): 9/10 - leon and peter were fantastic - especially leon, he had such horrific and lame humour it made things highly entertaining. helen was an excellent lecturer too however she was a tad sarcastic which i didn't take a liking to.
Interest: 8.5/10 - loved cash flow statements, that totally did it for me. other than that, most other aspects were very interesting. totally different to acct1501.
Overall: 8.5/10
Ease: 7.5/10 - the assignment was more difficult in comparison to everything else in the course. other than that, content made sense etc.
Lecturer(s): 8/10 - nicole was awesome, linda has a lot of 'now it's YOUR turn!' examples and Yee was okay...... Yee for consult was fantastic though!
Interest: 8/10 - not bad, made sense and everything connected with each other.
Overall: 8/10
Ease: 4/10 - found it too be quite quite challenging. a lot of complex maths and theory jumbled together - argh.
Lecturer(s): 2.5/10 - the only reason why i persisted on going to lectures was because i knew i'd probs fail otherwise... zian is............................ just as monotonous as janet austin in legal...
Interest: 5/10 - umm certain elements of it were interesting, but other than that not much.
Overall: 4/10
Ease: 6.5/10 - contracts is much harder, especially promissory estoppel. other than that, it all ends up making sense if you try hard enough to understand it. tpa is quite simple.
Lecturer(s): 6/10 - we had kerry cos the usual lecturer wasn't able to lecture this sem. she was okay, have had better - she wasn't able to make it interesting enough for me to keep attending lectures though. and i didn't like the way that she basically talked about everything that was in the textbook and nothing much more, and she went into too much depth into a lot of cases that wasn't needed.
Interest: 8/10 - as with legt1711, i ended up having to teach myself practically 3/4 of the course from textbook and tute notes from class. somehow this always ends up with me being interested in the content, but definitely not as much during semester...
Overall: 7/10