warning: do not click any of the following links if you are offended by pictures of penises
blueeyesguy said:
Just to dispell a myth there is no scar that is retained from the circumcission procedure lol. your just tying to make us circumcised guys seem mutated it's not like the foreskin is really necessary anyway you may say it helps with protection of the penis but i dont see how that works lol
yeah the outdated and barbaric practise doesnt really happen outside of america in the west unless you are jewish.
you wonder why we are making you out to be mutilated...its because you are
mu·ti·la·tion (mytl-shn)
Disfigurement or injury by removal or destruction of a conspicuous or essential part of the body.
hey guess what the foreskin has a purpose: to protect your sensitive glans from weathering which will desensitize your penis. You dont see how having a protective covering of skin stops wear and tear on your penis head?
a foreskin facilitates
gliding action which helps with intercourse and increases the pleasure for both parties
not to mention the densely packed nerves in the foreskin and
frenulum add immensely to the pleasure experienced.
Doctors do not reccomend circumcision
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreskin said:
The American Medical Association, in a report confined to discussing circumcisions that are not performed for ritualistic or religious purposes, states that medical associations in the US, Australia, and Canada do not recommend “non-therapeutic” circumcision, which it defines as non-religious, non-ritualistic, not medically necessary, elective circumcision of male newborns.[3] In the US when non-ritualistic elective circumcision is chosen, it is largely because of social or cultural expectations, rather than medical concerns.[3] The genital integrity movement condemns infant circumcision as a form of male genital mutilation that they consider comparable to female genital cutting.
Circumcision when done on adults has a chance of decensitizing the penis
Of those who were circumcised long after they had been sexually active, > 80% reported no noticeable difference in sexuality, but a man was twice as likely to have experienced diminished sexuality than improved sexuality
To add to that, it has been said that men circumsized at birth are more likely to experience a desensitized penis in their early 40's than normal men. The reason for this is most likely because at birth the foreskin is not physically seperated from the glans. Even just early retraction of the foreskin can cause damage.
For these reasons i will never consent to any child of mine ever being circumsized[ and i will try and persuade family members to leave their childrens penises alone]